Ideas are free, execution is priceless.

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Is my starting point the strongest baseline?
Starting with why is a fine idea. But what about starting with who? As in, who you are? If it’s true that you are the most important person in your life, then it stands to reason that your true self should be the baseline from which all actions are taken. Because when you know who you are, every moment isn’t a moral challenge, it’s just a checklist. Motivation is…
Help me help you help me
Everybody wants everything both ways. It’s the law of unreasonable incompatibility. Westerners use the idiom, you want to have their cake and eat it too. But this principle has its own quirky expression in just about every culture. Albania says, to take a swim and not get wet. Bulgaria says, to have the wolf fed and the lamb in tact. Italy says, to keep the barrel of wine with…
If your life could speak, what would it tell you?
My body shop mechanic once told me: Your car is always speaking to you, but you have to listen. He was absolutely right. Although his advice would have been a lot more helpful earlier that day when my engine was catching on fire while going eighty on the highway. Guess we all live and learn. That’s what you get for doing car karaoke without paying attention to the check…
The revolutionary idea that you didn’t have to choose
Decisiveness is a universal quality of successful people. The ability to make choices quickly and confidently, and not hastily and arrogantly, is precisely what gives us the ability to take action and move our story forward. However, when it comes to the deeply complicated issue of our identities, making a decision isn’t always necessary or even useful. Because we’re not supposed to be one thing in life. Part of…
Navel gazing for the zillionth time
Some people believe every choice they make is a significant life decision that will have a profound effect on the whole of their existence. T he butterfly is forever flapping its wings. Anything could mean everything, and so, each move they make is carefully scripted and manicured. It’s not worth doing if it’s not worth over thinking first, right? God forbid their choices are not optimized for perfection. The…