I admit it: I’ve been skeptical about MySpace for a while now.
To me, it just seemed like something that would have been fun to do in high school or college; but as a business person, probably not a prudent use of my time.
Then I read this article from the USA Today about MySpace that educated me further.
“Traffic on MySpace has grown 318% in the last year to 37.3 million visitors in February, making it the top social networking site on the Web and the eighth most popular website overall, according to ComScore Media Metrix. In July, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. bought MySpace for $580 million.”
THEN, I was interviewed by FastCompany (look for my article in the upcoming May issue!), during which the topic of MySpace came up. And I learned how Dane Cook has utilized MySpace as his #1 marketing tool that’s catapulted his career tremendously, i.e., because of MySpace, Dane Cook’s SNL appearance was the highest rated episode in several years.
Now, I’ve also read articles like this that discuss possible downsides to MySpace. In addition, I’ve heard it gets very addicting and could potentially invite online predators.
In the end I figured, what the hell – I’ll do it. So I sucked it up, took a few hours to get my page together, (with the help of Design Shark Studios), and here it is:
Now, my page has only been up for a week, but I gotta say: it’s pretty damn cool. I’m really enjoying it. I’ve met some cool new people, re-connected with old friends; even started a second blog called “Adventures in Nametagging.”
This new blog will chronicle daily, short, fun, nametag-related stories ONLY, most of which WILL NOT be posted on this blog. So, definitely check out the new page, subscribe to the new blog, and if you’re already on MySpace, I would love to be your friend!
Ultimately, I guess it just makes sense: MySpace is a virtual front porch. I probably should have gotten on it a long time ago. Oh well! I’m there now!
What’s your position on MySpace in terms of 1) business, and 2) personal capacities?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag