I’m always making something.
Books, blogs, speeches, songs, training modules, concerts, podcasts, thinkmaps, brandtags, software, strategies, videos, notes, just to name a few.
But what about the works in progress? What about the exciting projects that aren’t finished yet?
That’s what this page is for.
To remind you (and myself, I suppose), what’s in the hopper.
Now, although I can’t give away too many juicy details––after all, the first rule of magic is containment––I’m always excited to share a preview of what’s to come.
**Updated Summer 2017
New Album
New family of songs about growing up, getting older and letting go.
New Books
Subjects include yoga, boundaries, entrepreneurship, creativity and deleting expectations.
* * *
Anyway, that’s what you can expect to be vomited out of me in the next year or so.