Recently, my friend Paul told me to change my “from” line on my outgoing mail. It used to simply have my email address, but then I changed it to say HELLO, my name is Scott, my personal brand, which also happens to be my website URLand the title of one of my books. And as soon as I made the change, Paul said it stood out amidst all the other emails and enticed him to read my message first!
The “from” line is a perfect, yet underused hot spot to stamp your personal brand. Let’s say you’re known as “The Tax Law Queen.” Great. Put that instead of your email! It will stand out among the hundreds of emails in your recipients’ inboxes.
(However, still be careful what you write. Email “from” lines are often controversial issues when it comes to spam.)
Try this quick exercise – it’s deliciously fun. Go to your inbox right now, start at the top, and slowly scroll down through ALL of your emails. Then look at the “from” lines. Which ones stand out?
Here are some of the “from” lines in my inbox:
- J-RITZ (Rapper/Producer in Portland, OR)
- Paul & The Ripples Project (The President of a non-profit)
- Warp Speed Errands (Personal Concierge Business)
- Dan Poynter & Para Publishing(Author/Publisher/Seminar Leader)
- EZ Way Web Connections (Website Designer)
- DON the IDEA GUY (Writer/Creative Consultant)
NOTE: My inbox has 511 emails, and these were the only 6 that stood out. That’s exactly 1.1%. What does that tell you?!
How do you make your email stand out?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag