Last weekend I gave a presentation to the First Impressions team at a Cincinnati Church. We began talking about creative voicemail techniqueswhen Rick, one of the team members, offered his own outgoing message as an example:
“Every single day I change my voicemail by putting a new quotation in the message. I’ve been doing it for years now and some people even call every day just to hear my new quotation! It’s my way of spreading some positive words and having fun at the same time.”
Wow, mobile approachability at its finest. People call Rick every day, just to hear his message! That’s incredible. Now, it may take Rick a few extra minutes in the morning to record his message. But isn’t it worth it to make an otherwise mundane encounter a little more personable?
How could you make your outgoing messages more personable?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with a nametag