I get this question a lot. And while I’ve received lots of emails over the years on the topic of “nametag wishes and sharpie dreams,” I’ve only met a few dozens folks who’ve really stuck with it. (God the puns are endless with this stuff!)
But every once in a while an article pops up about some guy (and it’s usually a guy, too, for some reason…I don’t think women would be as likely to wear a nametag all the time for security reasons) who decides to start wearing a nametag. And I LOVE reading the observations, stories and reactions by their friends and families. For example, this column by Brent Holloway was published in the Southern Utah Spectrum the other day. It’s called A nametag is more than an addiction.
Here are a few excerpts from Brent’s article, along with comments from my own experiences:
BRENT: “As I stood looking in the mirror the other day, I could see that my wife was watching me. Of course, I thought it was pure admiration – until she started talking.
‘Do you really feel it’s necessary to wear your name tag?’ she asked.”
SCOTT: Welcome to my world, Brent. Every roomate, friend, girlfriend and family member for the past 6 years has made some variation of that comment to me hundreds of times. Especially my brother. He used to be SO annoyed with my nametag that he’d actually rip it off and yell, “Scott, why can’t you just be NORMAL for one night?!”
BRENT: “‘Well,’ she replied, ‘I can see that, but I wish you’d at least stop wearing it to church. I think the bishop and the members of the congregation already know who you are and most of them know what you do ever since you decided to hand out your business cards during Sunday school last month.’
Then she sternly added, ‘I was relieved when the instructor finally asked you to sit down and behave yourself.’
SCOTT: Yep, heard that one a million times. Once when I was helping out at a Brian Tracy seminar, I asked to get a picture with the sales master himself.
Right before the photo snapped, he kindly whispered into my ear, “Alright Scott, better lose the nametag for the picture.”
Yeah. You wish, Tracy.
Furthermore, churches are the #1 most common place for people to wear nametags. It’s almost taboo if churches DON’T provide nametags for members, guests and first-timers! Therefore, I think your bishop and fellow congregation members should commend you for your bravery, approachability and friendliness.
BRENT: “‘I realize that,’ she replied. ‘But you still need to consider your circumstances and evaluate whether or not a name tag is considered appropriate. In fact, I’ll tell you what; I’ll help you right now. Under the current circumstances, I would say that a name tag is probably not appropriate.’
‘Why not?’ I asked.
‘Well, you’re standing in your pajamas and getting ready for bed.’
You know, I really hate to admit it. But this time, she just might be right.
SCOTT: No offense Brent, but she’s wrong. Don’t listen to her. If you want to wear a nametag to bed, you go right ahead. Wear it wherever you want! I’ve worn a nametag in every questionable circumstance you can imagine: funerals, weddings, the beach, clubs, dark alleys, climbing the Grand Canyon, even on a gorilla suit at Mardi Gras! Nobody gets offended. It’s friendly and rarely inappropriate. In fact, as The World’s Foremost Authority On Nametags, Scott Ginsberg hereby grants you official permission to do so.
So Brent: Good luck, Good Nametagging and Godspeed.
Do you think nametags are innapropriate in certain circumstances?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag