Here are two conversations…with two different people…who made two VERY different first impressions:
The first was Amber. She was the newest sales associate at my office. One day some coworkers and I were having lunch when Amber walked by and said hello to the group. After she and I were introduced, Dennis joked, “You look tired – long night last night?”
She laughed and said, “Well, I’m kinda dating two guys at the same time, but they live in two different cities. So they don’t know each other. And it’s difficult to keep them straight. I don’t even really like them that much, but one of them wants to fly me out to Washington to see him next weekend, so…you know.”
Now, I’m no one to judge anyone’s dating habits. But every time I see Amber for the rest of my life, I’ll always know her as, “The Girl Who Dates Two Guys in Two Cities.” Perhaps that’s not one’s best calling card.
The second conversation was with Christina. She works in my local Office Depot. I see her whenever I go in the store, usually about once a week. While walking down the aisles looking for some file folders, she walked by. Then I heard the screech of her tennis shoes as she backed up and started towards me.
“Scott! Hey how’s business going buddy?”
“Oh, it’s beautiful Christina! I’m buying more file folders because I’ve got more invoices to file – and that can only be a good sign, right?”
“You bet. Great to hear it!”
Then Christina closed with her standard tagline:
“…and if you need a geek, I’m your girl!”
And that’s why I ALWAYS shop there.
Two conversations…two people…two first impressions. Both UNFORGETTABLE, but only one could be considered effective. To quote James Barrie, “First impressions are a person’s work of years; they are stamped on his face by the events of his whole life by the hand of nature, and are not to be gotten rid of easily.”
What’s your best/worst example of an UNFORGETTABLE first impression?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag