“The gradual shifting from promotion motivation.” Happiness evolves as we do. As we get older, certain activities, pursuits or experiences that held meaning for us five years ago may seem pointless to us today. For example, part of me that wishes I still enjoyed going to movies alone. But most of me knows there are a dozen better ways to spend two hours of my life. Especially when I have someone to share them with. Inspired by an outstanding article on a topic that’s been on my mind a lot lately.
“Anything you write can scratch an opening in a scarred up heart.” The hardest part about writing isn’t pressing the publish button, it’s praying that another person in the world will care that you pressed it. Fortunately, the Internet proves that whatever you’re experiencing––and whatever you’re feeling about that experience––you’re not alone. There are a thousand other people on the planet who can relate. Inspired by Amanda Palmer, who never fails to fireinspirationinto me.
“This town is so filled with celebrities that it tricks you into thinking you’re a celebrity.” Before relocating to New York, my fiance and I met with a friend of a friend who grew up in Manhattan. Here’s the warning she gave us:People will feed you with things that will make you feel
bigger than you are. I never forgot that. And hopefully, as long as we live here, I never will. There’s nothing more dangerous than an inflated sense of self. Inspired by aninterviewwith Mike Birbiglia.
“Few have paid so dearly for their idealism.” Over the years, I’ve spent time on both sides of the idealism spectrum. As an artist, it was an asset. Idealism got me heard. But as an entrepreneur, it was a liability. Idealism didn’t get me paid. Eventually, I learned to compromise. I found a balance between blue skies and green dollars. And I retained just enough idealism to prevent cynicism from busting through. Inspired by Gabby Gifford’s commencement address.
“If you cannot delude yourself into thinking your work is signifcant, find another career.” You’re told to love what you do. But since there are days, sometimes even weeks, when that just ain’t gonna happen, loving what you do is only part of the equation. Meaningful work comes from a combination of loving what you
do, but also loving how you do it, why you do it, where you do it, when you do
it, whom you do it with and whom you do it for. Inspired by avirtual tourof Edward Wilson’s office.