Shhhh…Silent Dating is the hot new dating trend that started in London – and is now moving across the US. Liz Kelly, Dating Coach and Author, is now hosting Silent Dating Parties where there is only one rule – No Talking Please!
This event coordinates with the release of her new book, Smart Man Hunting. Based on her dating and corporate communications expertise, Kelly explains, “Because 80% of communication is non-verbal, why not practice your body talk and meet new singles at a party?” Liz adds, “Silent Dating can significantly increase your dating numbers and love odds because people are bolder on index cards.” Singles will be pleasantly surprised by what can be communicated via silent scribbles, flirty text messages and body talk signals.
Liz also suggests the idea of writing your cell phone number on your nametag. Nice. Read the full press release here.
This Silent Dating thing sounds cool. I would definitely attend if the event if it came to my city. You know, for research purposes only 😉
But now that I think about it, I can’t imagine trying to explain on a notecard to a strange woman I just met that I wear a nametag 24-7 to make people friendlier. Maybe I’d just show her my nametag tattoo and smile.
Oh wait, the point is to actually GET a date. Right. Well, scratch that idea.
If you were participating in Silent Speed Dating, how would you tell someone that you fancy him or her?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag