When someone asks you, “So, what do YOU do,” they’re (actually) asking any number of questions.
Technically, you could respond in any of the following ways:
1. There’s what you DO.
A sound-bitey, value-driven description of the service you provide.
For example:
o I teach real estate agents how to sell more homes.
o I inspire high school students to be all they can be.
o I help IT professionals get placed in the workforce.
2. There’s what your JOB is.
A basic description of your role.
For example:
o My job is to keep this police force in line.
o My job is to make sure no animals escape from this cage.
o My job is to sit on this lifeguard stand and make sure nobody drowns.
3. There’s what your TITLE is.
An official designation that summarizes what your role is.
For example:
o I’m an Administrative Assistant.
o I’m the Chief Inspiration Officer.
o I’m the Director of Customer Listening
4. There’s where you WORK.
The physical place or company where you spend your workdays.
For example:
o I work at Monsanto.
o I work down at the plant.
o I work out of my living room. (My favorite!)
5. There’s what your OCCUPATION is.
A generic, familiar category that describes the work that occupies your time and that you are paid for.
For example:
o I’m a chef.
o I’m a contractor.
o I’m an accountant.
6. Then there’s your CRAFT.
A generic description of your unique skill or talent.
For example:
o I make music.
o I weld steel bars.
o I create training materials.
What do YOU do?
For a copy of the list called, “19 Telltale Signs of the Perfect Job,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]
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