101.1 The River’s Lifestyle Guide Helps Listeners BEYOND The Airways
After many years of being a loyal listener to 101.1 The River (WVRV St. Louis), I’ve teamed up with their Lifestyle Guide to create a new section called “Your Network.” This is SO cool. Very few radio stations do stuff life this. It’s an online resource for the latest tips, trends and news that you can use to be on top of your game. When they approached me to…
QREATIVITY: Revolutionary Ideas Come from Ridiculous Questions
Every creative business idea begins with a question. A question that grabs attention. A question that might sound ridiculous at the time. A question that propels a wrecking ball through the walls of ordinary thinking. But still, a question that makes every person in the room stop what he’s doing, sit back in his chair, stare off into space and say, “Huh. Now that’s an interesting idea…” QREATIVITY is…
USA Today recommends nametags for small business marketing
Author, speaker and columnist Steve Strauss, aka Mr. All Biz, had a great article in USA Today called Marketing pays, so keep it up. “A trap many entrepreneurs fall into, myself included on occasion, is turning to the tried and true too often. While the tried and true is comfortable, it also typically yields predictable results. So if you want your business to grow, you need to mix things…
After two years, Portland is still weird, wet and in walking distance
So I FINALLY got back to the ol’ stomping grounds of Portland to visit my friends, eat real sushi and reminisce about the early days of nametagging. Ah yes, what a great weekend it was! It all started on a high note in the St. Louis airport on Thursday night when I got a phone call that made me want to drive over to Jeff Bezos’ house and give…
You are NOT wearing two nametags
Call me crazy, but I love going to the post office. I’m there about three times a week to mail books, check my box, and sometimes just to talk to my girls who work behind the counter. They’re so sweet. They all wear nametags. And Val usually has a candy dish. Hey, it’s all about the little things. Yesterday I stopped in to mail an order of books to…
McDonald’s Doesn’t Sell Hamburgers
I’m sitting in McDonald’s right now, which is a rarity for me. I only eat here about twice a year. In fact, I’m not even eating today – I’m just waiting for the mechanic to finish my car across the street. Anyway, the article I’m working on this week is about creativity. It’s about great ideas. It’s about those magical moments when you stop in your tracks, notice something…
Talking to ‘Invisible’ People
In I found a great article from (Today’s Top Law Enforcement News.) And no, I don’t usually ready this publication, as I am not a police officer. However, check out the full text or read some of these excerpts about police officers and how they approach certain types of individuals: You know who they are. They are the homeless wandering the alleyways mumbling. They are the preachers on…
New Online Assessment Measures Your Approachability
In a recent post I shared a new system called The Approachability Indicator. This graphical model depicted the seven areas, dual channels and five emotional results of maximum approachability. However, the big question still remained: “Yeah, but how can I tell how approachable I really am?” Well friends, here’s your answer: take this new assessment to find out your Approachability Quotient. Good luck! LET ME ASK YA THIS… What’s…
You’re such a show off…and I LIKE it!
Meet my new friend Scott Jones, CSO. (That stands for Chief Show Officer.) “The problem is that every one of your competitors is doing his or her best to make an equally good first impression. So what’s the answer? It’s simple – Show Off!” says Jones. His company, Show Off Cards, offers a one of a kind business card that lets the real you – or at least a…
Networking Smarter: What’s Your NQ?
Absoluately BRILLIANT article by Jim Bolt from Fast Company. “Today’s highly networked business world provides rich rewards for networking maestros — those people among us who are skilled at developing varied and effective networks. But there hasn’t existed an effective measure for how good or bad you are at networking, in order to know how to improve. Until now.” Click here to read the entire article, or take Jim’s…