So, HOW old are you again?
I had the opportunity to share the stage with three excellent St. Louis authors yesterday. Fellow panelists included Harry Samuels, Art Shamsky and Leslie Savan. Once the speech was over, we moved into the bookstore for a signing. And as usual, every person that approached me asked the same question most people pose after hearing me speak: Scott, HOW old are you again? You know, it’s funny. After nearly…
How to give your staff PERMISSION to talk to you
Every once in a while I meet audience members who point out something so insanely obvious; I wonder how in the heck I missed it. Ah, the wisdom of curbside observers. “Yes sir,” I said as a hand shot up. “Well, it’s not really a question, but more of a comment,” the man from the audience explained. Everyone turned their heads towards the back of the room as the…
Fans, Not Customers
I’ve been to 97 concerts in my lifetime. I know this because every ticket stub of every show I’ve ever seen since I was 12 lay under a sheet of glass on my coffee table. Some of the stubs are signed by my favorite musicians; some are tattered and torn from the pouring rain through which I stood and sung for hours. Some of the tickets aren’t even tickets!…
An idea a day keeps the unemployment office away!
Since August of 2000, Idea-A-Day has published 1,910 ideas contributed by people around the world. I just stumbled upon this site on a Google search, and I think it’s probably the coolest website I’ve ever seen. Here’s today’s idea, contributed by John Kappa: DAY 1,910: Install an indoor switch near the exit of homes, offices and other buildings which turns off all lights and appliances. Certain devices, such as…
Hey Scott, how do you write your books and speeches?
I’m frequently asked by audience members, readers, friends, family members and strangers alike, “Scott, how do you write your books and speeches?” (Click the image to look closer!) It’s a method I’ve been using for about three years. Actually, I have no idea what it’s called. For the sake of this post, I’ll just call it “The Ginsberg Method.” Anyway, I’m not sure where I came up with it,…
It’s a great day to be a tiger!
Whew! It’s the end of a long week. I just finished up at the annual Sherrard School District Health Fair. I kicked off the program by talking to the 5th and 6th graders of Matherville Intermediate School. The kids were awesome! One of them (pictured to the left) asked if I would autograph his VOTE FOR PEDRO t-shirt. I have no idea why. But I hope his mom isn’t…
Maybe I’m taking this whole “personal branding” thing too seriously
Well, I did it. After years of wussing-out, I finally did it. And it hurt like a sunavabitch! Anyone who tells you “Oh, tattoos don’t hurt,” is a liar. It was like getting 1000 shots in 45 minutes. Anyway, special thanks to Joe @ Iron Age Studio who did a PERFECT job; my friend Andy Masters who cheered me on the whole time; and the friendly crew from the…
Watch Scott on the Today Show
It has begun… (I always wanted to start a blog post that way.) Anyway, great news! I’ll be on The NBC Today Show next week celebrating the 5 Year Nametag Anniversary. (Learn more about the month-long celebration here.) The taping date is still TBA, but the reason I’m telling everyone ahead of time is because NBC is sending a camera crew to follow me around all day WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER…
The 5 Year celebration begins today!
Woo hoo!!! Today is day 1,826. It’s been FIVE YEARS, and the Nametag Anniversary Celebration is underway! It goes on all month! Now, as November begins, I’ll be posting (hopefully) every day for the next month with lots of great stuff like: Media news: The NBC Today Show!!! Press Release: Read it here! New resources: Networking Superhero Audio CD Upcoming events: Nametag tattoo tomorrow Sign up for the Building…
Halloween is the greatest holiday of the year
Halloween is a very special holiday for me. Not just because of the candy or the crazy costumes; but because it’s the only day of the year when I actually change my nametag! In the past I’ve been Randy, Jerry and Jo-Jo. And the last two years I went as a nametag wearing gorilla named Harry. But this year I thought I’d bump up the creativity a notch or…