35 cultural trends that (should) change the way you do business
1. The Paradox of Choice. There are more choices than ever before – approaching infinite. So, people are just going to pick the best choice. Often times, it’s the first choice. Are you at the top of the list? 2. Time isn’t on your side. There are more thieves of time, attention and mental energy than ever before. You’re not the only important thing in your customers’ lives. THINK…
Who pissed YOU off?
A common thread shared by most successful entrepreneurs and innovators is that they all were, at some point in time, pissed off. Pissed off at someone. Pissed off at something. Not willing to accept the status quo. Always willing to abandon popular delusions. Dissatisfied with what they saw around them. Happy to invest the time, energy and money in finding a better way. I think Tom Peters said it…
Detach from outcomes
When you’re writing… When you’re creating art… When you’re brainstorming… REMEMBER THREE WORDS: detach from outcomes. For five reasons: 1. When you detach from outcomes, you relax more. 2. When you detach from outcomes, you lower your guard. 3. When you detach from outcomes, you lower other people’s guards. 4. When you detach from outcomes, you produce better quality work. 5. When you detach from outcomes, you lower the…
21 ways to get (really) good at writing
1. You get (really) good at writing by writing a lot. 2. You get (really) good at writing by being willing to suck at the beginning. 3. You get (really) good at writing by reading good writing. 4. You get (really) good at writing by reading bad writing. 5. You get (really) good at writing by studying the architecture of pages. 6. You get (really) good at writing sharing…
Be the bulls-eye, not the arrow
We live in a My Culture. Here’s why. Because of the exponential growth of Internet, humans now have instant access to infinite amounts of information. This creates a hyperspeed, infinite-choice society where people are BOMBARDED by thousands of marketing messages on a daily basis. Which makes customers’ patience dwindle. Which reduces attention span to about six seconds. Which ultimately means: customers are going to get WHAT they want, WHEN…
13 Steps to Entertaining an Idea
Ideas are your major source of income. As such, you need to become a MASTER of entertaining those ideas. Aristotle once said, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Note the distinction. He’s talking about being objective. Being open. Brainstorming. Considering the possibility that an idea MIGHT be good. Or, that it might suck. You won’t know until…
On being unarguable
I was walking down the Las Vegas Strip one day when I saw the coolest t-shirt of all time. A teenager was wearing it. The front was emblazoned with the New York Yankees logo. Right above it in big, bold letters, it said: DO THE MATH. It took me a second, but eventually I figured it out. See, you can talk all you want about how much you hate…
13 signs that your idea probably isn’t that good
1. Your idea probably isn’t that good … If everybody loves it. 2. Your idea probably isn’t that good … If nobody wants to steal it. 3. Your idea probably isn’t that good … If you can easily duplicate it. 4. Your idea probably isn’t that good … If you don’t have them at hello. 5. Your idea probably isn’t that good … If you can’t explain it to…
How to (not) exist
If you can’t define your product … it doesn’t exist. Because a confused mind never buys. If you don’t have a unique product … it doesn’t exist. Because a choice-saturated mind never buys. If it doesn’t exist on the Internet … it doesn’t exist. Not just a web-SITE; a web-PRESENCE. Octopus, not earthworm. If you can’t Google it … it doesn’t exist. What happens when someone googles your name?…
Insist on being yourself
I was once forbidden from entering into a dance club because I was wearing my nametag. Another time I got kicked out of a fancy restaurant for wearing my nametag. And a few years ago, I dated a girl who was so uncomfortable with my nametag that she stopped going out with me. I know. Ridiculous. But hey, that’s cool. Those are the types of people and places I…