Stop calling it “marketing”
Marketing is evil. Or at least, that’s the perception. That marketing is dishonest. That marketing is contrived. That marketing is manipulative. That marketing is interruptive. That marketing is disrespectful. Which, in many cases, it CAN be. And which, in many cases, it IS. But that’s only if you continue to call it “marketing.” SO, HERE’S YOUR CHALLENGE: Eliminate the word “marketing” from your vocabulary. Reframe it in a way…
8 Ways to Move Quickly on New Opportunities
“Ideas are free; execution is priceless.” That’s one of my mantras. And it all starts with that first step. Go! Now! Start! Let’s move! Giddy up! LESSON LEARNED: Move quickly on new opportunities. Here are seven ways to do so: 1. WRITING things down as soon as you hear them. Because if you don’t write it down, it never happened. 2. ASKING yourself, “What’s the next action?” Because ultimately,…
NametagTV: Watch Your But’s!
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on The Frontline Channel here! LET ME ASK YA THIS… When someone says “but,” how does it make you feel? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… Check out the latest addition to NametagTV, The Nametag Forums. Join for free and keep the conversation going about how to GET noticed, GET remembered and GET business! * * * *…
The ONE WORD that makes you sound like a good listener
“Honey, I got fired this afternoon.” “Wow.” “Boss, I lost the Gregory Account today…” “Wow.” “Dude, I’m thinking about moving to Pamplona!” “Wow.” “Yes, um, your airline recently lost both of my bags!” “Wow.” “Wow.” It’s a great word. A beautiful word. It’s a complete sentence. A wonderful sentence. And, it’s an effective way to show someone you’re listening. For LOTS of reasons… First, here’s what WOW is: WOW…
52 Random Insights for Growing Your Business
We had a blast at the annual “Fire Sessions” @ Brains on Fire this week. I got to share the stage with Richard Tait, creator of Cranium. Coolest CEO ever! Spike “Wrong Way” Jones has a nice wrap-up of the conference here. Then, I flew across the country to Seattle to work with my friends from The American Gem Society. Also awesome! And last night Vogue put on their…
6 Service Secrets Learned from a Whole Foods Bulletin Board
While pounding some spicy tuna hand rolls @ Whole Foods recently, I noticed this comment board. VERY cool. Six service lessons to be learned… 1. It’s handwritten. So, it’s personal. It’s human. It’s approachable. It shows that someone (actually) took the time to read the comment and write out an answer. What’s more, this proves that Whole Foods respectfully treats their customers as PEOPLE. As HUMANS. Not numbers, statistics…
8 Ways to Make Your Telephone Personality More Attractive
1. May I ask who’s calling? a. Is it unique? b. Is it unexpected? c. Does it build pre-call excitement and curiosity? d. Does it make the entire office laugh when they hear it over the PA system? 2. Greeting/Answer a. Is it short? b. Is it simple? c. Is it engaging? d. Is it memorable? 3. Note Taking a. Are letting callers know you’re taking notes? b. Are…
Nametag Guy LIVE: Word Ownership
LET ME ASK YA THIS… What word do you own? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “24 Questions to Discover Which Word You Own,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll hook you up! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Coaches? Consultants? Bah! How about a professional listener and creative midwife? Rent Scott’s Brain today!
62 Types of Questions and Why They Work
So, I have this running list of about 4000 questions. Questions to ask yourself. Questions to ask your team. Questions to ask your customers. And I update it whenever I’m asked, hear, read or think of a good question. Probably about twenty new ones a week. Fortunately, they’re sorted by category, i.e., “Creativity,” “Sales,” “Leadership,” and the like. Otherwise, going through that list would (as my girlfriend says) make…
“So, how many copies have you sold?”
I get that question a lot. And I’m not sure why. I guess when (some) people meet an author, that’s the first piece of information they’d like to know. Maybe it’s curiosity. Maybe it’s an accountability measure. Or, maybe some people are just SO annoyingly attached to numbers that they simply REFUSE to stamp your creative passport until they’ve been given scientific evidence of your success. Either way, I’ve…