62 Types of Questions and Why They Work
So, I have this running list of about 4000 questions. Questions to ask yourself. Questions to ask your team. Questions to ask your customers. And I update it whenever I’m asked, hear, read or think of a good question. Probably about twenty new ones a week. Fortunately, they’re sorted by category, i.e., “Creativity,” “Sales,” “Leadership,” and the like. Otherwise, going through that list would (as my girlfriend says) make…
“So, how many copies have you sold?”
I get that question a lot. And I’m not sure why. I guess when (some) people meet an author, that’s the first piece of information they’d like to know. Maybe it’s curiosity. Maybe it’s an accountability measure. Or, maybe some people are just SO annoyingly attached to numbers that they simply REFUSE to stamp your creative passport until they’ve been given scientific evidence of your success. Either way, I’ve…
NametagTV: Outtakes, B-Rolls and PSA’s
LET ME ASK YA THIS… Who needs a real job? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… Go play a joke on somebody today 😉 * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag [email protected] Sick of selling? Tired of cold calling? Bored with traditional prospecting approaches? Buy Scott’s new book and learn how to sell enable people to buy! Pick up your copy (or a case!) right here.
Yeah, it’s remarkable, BUT…
There are a LOT of remarkable ideas out there. There are a LOT of remarkable people out there. There are a LOT of remarkable businesses out there. But. Remarkability is no longer enough. In my experience, there are two levels of remarkability. First, there’s BASELINE remarkability. “Something worth making a remark about,” as Seth Godin explained in Purple Cow. Which is good. And essential. But again, it’s not enough….
5 Ways to Position Yourself as a Resource
You’re not a salesperson. You’re not a consultant. You’re not a therapist. You’re not a blogger. You’re not a writer. You’re not a coach. You’re a RESOURCE. An individual who possesses a valuable supply of (something) that can be readily drawn on when needed. A resource. Get. That. Through. Your. Head. See, when you position yourself as a resource, four things happen: 1. You BECOME the Go-To Person. 2….
There’s only ONE man who would DARE give me the raspberry!
Marketshare is overrated. What’s (really) important is MINDSHARE. The shelf space you hole in people’s minds. So, if you want to become That Guy – that is, if you want to become the go-to person that customers, employees and the media seek out for answers – remember three words: Mindshare, not marketshare. Kind of like in Spaceballs, when Lord Helmet discovers his radar has been “jammed.” He exclaims, “There’s…
10 Reasons Why You’re Not Blogging Yet
After speaking last week at the St. Louis Business Expo, a lot of people came up to me afterward with questions about blogging. Naturally, those questions came with a fair amount of reasons for NOT blogging. All of which were the work of the notorious Bloggie Man. So, that inspired me to write this list… 10 Reasons Why You’re NOT Blogging Yet 1. You don’t know how. That’s cool…
NametagTV: Notice the 95%
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Click here to watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… What are you doing that 95% of the other salespeople AREN’T? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called “71 Things Customers Don’t Want to Hear You Say,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll hook you up. * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with…
Creativity is about NOTICING
NOTICING … ancillary answers. Because their unintended, incidental nonchalance might be exactly what you didn’t realize you were looking for. NOTICING … anomalies. Because NOT questioning or challenging standard scripts is dangerous. NOTICING … happy accidents. Because making mistakes has proven to be a leading cause of creative breakthroughs. NOTICING … how quickly people understand your idea. Because if they don’t “get it” right away, they never will. NOTICING…
Writing is the Basis of All Wealth, Part 3
First, you write out a description of your perfect customer. THAT will enable your Target Marketing Scanner to be on high alert. Which will filter out the WRONG customers. Which will make room to attract the RIGHT customers. Which will enable you to focus your time and efforts on serving a specific niche. Which will enable you to charge a higher fee, because people demand specialists. Which will not…