Well, yeah, but there’s a LOT of people who are smart ;)
“Why are they talking to THAT idiot?!” you scream at the TV. “Channel 5 should be interviewing ME! I’m the smart one when it comes to that topic!” Well, yes, that may be true. You certainly may be the smart one. But there’s a LOT of people out there who are smart. Which means being smart isn’t enough. So, the real question is: Are you funny? Are you likable?…
12 Ways to Get Customers to Open Your Email FIRST
Want to know the secret to email follow up? TWO WORDS: Subject line. Because that’s the only thing customers see. Because that’s the only thing customers have the time to read. Because that’s the only thing customers will use to decide whether or not to open it. Because that’s the only way you can immediately differentiate yourself in their inbox. So, it has to be engaging, interesting, curious and…
NametagTV: Behind the Scenes
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Join the online discussion in The Nametag Forum about this video here! LET ME ASK YA THIS… How are you taking your customers behind the scenes? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called “10 Ways to Help Your Customers to Know YOU,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll show you the way! * * * * Scott Ginsberg…
Golden Rule, Schmolden Rule
You know The Golden Rule. THE QUESTION IS: How, specifically, do you practice it every day? The bad news is, most people don’t. The good news is, if you’re stuck, here are a few suggestions: ACT like the kind of friend YOU’D want to turn to at 2 AM. ANSWER the kinds of questions YOU’D want to ask. BE the kind of salesperson YOU’D want to buy from. BEGIN…
Adventures in Nametagging: On Being Yourself
Hey, today is my 800th post! Sweet. Thanks to Andy for the video. LET ME ASK YA THIS… When did someone challenge YOUR identity? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… Share your experience here! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Need help figuring out how you roll? If so, perhaps I could help on a more personal, one-on-one basis. Rent Scott’s Brain today!
What do YOU differentiate through?
Maybe you differentiate through … your service. By making it quick. By making it unexpectedly responsive. By making the mundane into memorable. Like Nashville’s Hotel Preston, which, instead of just a bible, offers a choice of 10+ religious books to ANY guest who asks. Wow! Maybe you differentiate through … your diagnosis. By noticing new patterns. By challenging people to reexamine their assumptions. By seeing what others can’t see…
17 Behaviors to Avoid for Effective Listening
Growing bigger ears isn’t just about what you DO. It’s also about what you DON’T DO. 1. Don’t react. Respond coolly, objectively and non-judgmentally. 2. Don’t think. Just perceive without interpreting or labeling. 3. Don’t perform. Because some people view listening as a performance. 4. Don’t tell someone not to feel a certain way. This cheats her out of having her feelings. 5. Don’t get bored. Because that means…
NametagTV: Killer Sales Questions
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on The Sales Channel here! LET ME ASK YA THIS… What’s your favorite question to ask customers? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… Share it here! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag [email protected] What’s YOUR approach? Join The Nametag Forums! Share stories, best practices and connect with a like-minded community of business professionals…
26 Secrets to Publishing a List Everybody Wants to Read, Download and Link To
1. Start off by giving yourself an idea quotient. The bigger the better. 2. Don’t think. Just write. 3. Find a really important item on your list and repeat it a few times. At first, people will think you made a mistake; but eventually they’ll get the point. 4. Make your title absurdly LOOOOOOOOOOOONG. 5. Make your title ridiculously generic. 6. Make your title totally hilarious. 7. Make your…
Nametag Guy LIVE: Unquestionable Commitment
LET ME ASK YA THIS… What are you unquestionably committed to? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… Share an example of how you visually demonstrate that to people here! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag [email protected] Sick of selling? Tired of cold calling? Bored with traditional prospecting approaches? Buy Scott’s new book and learn how to sell enable people to buy! Pick up your copy (or…