The #1 secret to building a fan base
You’re a writer. Or an artist. Or a performer. Or a blogger. Or a consultant. Whatever. A Creative Professional. That means one of your goals is to build a following. A fan base. A community. A group of people who admire or support your movement. Sound overwhelming? Because it isn’t. It’s actually (really) simple. In fact, I can boil it down to four words. One at a time. Here’s…
Three practices to ensure and insure your luck
Luck is really about two things: 1. EN-SURING, i.e., increasing the probability of something “lucky” happening to you. 2. IN-SURING, i.e., decreasing the probability of something “unlucky” happening to you. So, attracting more luck into your life is really a sequence of events. Check this out: 1. If you want to become the luckiest person you know, you need to be in the right place at the right time….
The Kordell Stewart Principle
The goal isn’t to cause customers to think, “SHOULD we use this guy?” The goal is to cause customers to think, “HOW should we use this guy? LESSON LEARNED: How, not if. How DRAWS more buyers. Because options increase the probability of a sale! How DELIVERS more value. Because customers can match their needs with your various services! How BUILDS more equity. Because you’re not a one-trick pony, a…
NametagTV: More Engagement, More Profits!
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9. Watch the original video on NametagTV. LET ME ASK YA THIS… How engaged are your customers? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “38 Ways to Make Your Customers GASP,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag [email protected] Satisfaction not enough? Customers…
Do people really care what you do?
When someone asks you, “So, what do YOU do,” they’re (actually) asking any number of questions. Technically, you could respond in any of the following ways: 1. There’s what you DO. A sound-bitey, value-driven description of the service you provide. For example: o I teach real estate agents how to sell more homes. o I inspire high school students to be all they can be. o I help IT…
The Four Ironies of Listening
The first irony: Effective listeners are always in demand. Listeners are always popular wherever they go. And yet, most people SUCK at listening. Interesting. The second irony: Listening is THE most important business skill you could possess. Listening is the only thing you do more than breathing. And yet, 90% of schools and universities don’t offer course on listening. That’s odd. The third irony: Listening lowers blood pressure, which…
Talk with your pads
My football coach at Parkway North (Go Vikes!) had a great motto for sportsmanship: “Talk with your pads.” His vision for our team was one of character and maturity, not just strength and ability. And that’s why he wouldn’t stand for ANY player who talked trash to the other team. “You guys are bigger than that,” Coach Parks would say. “You don’t need to stoop down to their level….
Author & “Nametag Guy” Scott Ginsberg to host St. Louis Writing Marathon!
Inspired by Natalie Godlberg’s Writing Down the Bones, this December I’ll be hosting the first (of many, hopefully…) St. Louis Writing Marathon! WHO: Anyone who needs to write. WHAT: For $20, you get a quiet place where you can quietly write, all day, with no distractions. WHERE: The Clayton Center, St. Louis, MO. WHY: Because writing is the basis of all wealth. More details here! Frankly, I don’t care…
NametagTV: Exploration, not Accusation
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9. Watch the original video on NametagTV. LET ME ASK YA THIS… Do your words accuse or explore? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “79 Questions Every Manager Needs to Ask,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag [email protected] Want your employees…
Why hotel rooms are your ticket to creativity
A few weeks ago I missed my flight from Toledo to St. Louis. I ended up staying in some dumpy hotel next to the airport, ordering a pizza, renting a movie and calling it a night. I flew home the next morning. This type of thing happens to me every so often. Maybe once a year. And while it used to frustrate me, I’ve now come to realize an…