The 20 Commandments of Making a Name for Yourself
1. ABSORB thy lessons. Because we learn not from our experiences but from intelligent reflection upon those experiences. Start by making lists called, “101 Lessons I Learned from…” 2. ARTICULATE thy –est. Fastest. Slowest. Smartest. Dumbest. Tallest. Shortest. Ugliest. Cutest. Gayest. Straightest. Identify your superlative and broadcast it from the rooftops. People can’t help but be attracted to your –est. 3. ATTACK thy page. Stop procrastinating. Stop making excuses….
How to market your business using ZERO time and money
Two questions I get asked a lot: 1. How much MONEY do you spend on marketing? Well, on one hand, you could say “zero,” if your customers are doing your marketing for you. On the other hand, you could say “mucho dinero,” if everything you do is a form of marketing. 2. How much TIME do you spend on marketing each day? Well, on one hand, you could say…
There’s 500 people here – AND THEY’RE ALL WEARING NAMETAGS!
The other day I was in a room surrounded by 500 people, all wearing nametags. This was both weird and awesome at the same time. It was weird because I’m not used to OTHER people wearing nametags. Almost like that scene in Being John Malkovitch when he goes inside his own head, only to be surrounded by dozens of his clones speaking the words, “MalkovitchMalkovitchMalkovitch!” It was awesome because,…
What do people get when they get you?
The old you? The real you? The new you? The becoming you? The you that nobody expected? The you that nobody saw coming? The you that they wanted you to be? The you that they read about online? The you that you were told you were? The you that they were told you were? The you that they hoped you would be? The you that you used to be…
Telling stories isn’t enough
Yes, stories are powerful. Yes, stories are what people remember most. Yes, stories are better than statistics or quotes. Yes, stories are what people connect with most. Yes, stories are the best way to communicate a message. But. You can’t just tell the story. That’s not enough. You’ve got to “stick the landing,” as Story Theater founder Doug Stevenson says. So, when your story is over, don’t just move…
Grow Bigger Ears: Heart Listening
As a writer, it’s almost impossible for me to read a book, have a conversation or experience ANYTHING without writing something down. What can I say? A writer writes. Always. Ironically, while the ability to capture and catalog ideas and experiences has become my greatest asset as a writer, it’s also become my greatest weakness as a listener. Especially in conversation. For example, when someone makes a profound comment,…
But I’ve already seen that movie like, ten times!
Shawshank Redemption is one of the greatest movies ever. That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact. It’s #72 on The American Film Institute’s list of Top 100 Movies of All Time. SO THE QUESTION IS: What makes that movie so great? Yes, the script is brilliant. After all, it WAS based on a Stephen King short story. Duh, the cinematography was unreal. Of course – Sam Mendes directed it….
Beware of being TOO
There’s good. There’s great. There’s awesome. And then, occasionally, there’s someone who’s TOO. TOO good. TOO perfect. TOO polished. TOO rehearsed. TOO calculated. TOO impressive. TOO good looking. TOO knowledgeable. And people start to wonder. They also start to QUESTION. “Is this guy for real?” “How can I compare to that?” “Who’s supposed to relate to this?” If people are too busy questioning you, that means they’re (probably) not…
Back to the Future Questions™
1.21 GIGAWATTS! What movie comes to mind when you hear those words? Back to the Future, of course. Greatest movie of all time. AND HERE’S THE SECRET: You don’t need a Delorian to travel through time. All you need is a question. A well-timed question. A well-crafted question. A creativity-challenging, motivation-uncovering question. I call these Back to the Future Questions™. They work for four reasons: First, they ENABLE people…
NametagTV: Return Calls Faster
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9. Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… Are you returning calls faster than your competitors? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “38 Ways to Make Your Customers GASP,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag [email protected] Satisfaction…