15 Things You’re Not Doing Enough Of
1. Are you charging enough for your ideas? Enough that people will perceive substantial value. Enough that people will be tempted. Enough that people will listen. Enough that people will actually do what you say. Enough that you don’t have to work as much as you used to. Enough that you set a precedent of professionalism, value and awesomeness. REMEMBER: Experts charge more. Command a premium. 2. Are you…
NametagTV: Octopus, not Earthworm
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… Are you being pushy or persistent? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “101 Ways to Create a Powerful Web Presence,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag [email protected] Satisfaction not…
8 Things That Are Overrated
1. Answers are overrated. Questions are better. Questions are smarter. Questions create more movement in your brain. The problem with answers is that once you (think) you’ve found one, you immediately stop questioning. And once you’ve stopped questioning, you’ve stopped learning. Are you more concerned with answers or questions? 2. Comfort zones are overrated. You have ZERO business in your comfort zone. How dare you! How DARE you. If…
The ongoing battle between “different” and “unique”
I no longer have patience for people who use these two words interchangeably. Different is NOT the same thing as unique. I’ve researched, surveyed my audience members, written extensively and thought long and hard about it. And here’s what I’ve come up with: DIFFERENT comes from the Latin differe, which means, “to stand out.” UNIQUE comes from the Latin, unicus, which means, “the only one.” DIFFERENT stands out among…
Idea not that good? Write it down ANYWAY.
PICTURE THIS: You’re on a road trip. It’s been several hours now. Almost there. Just a few more miles to go. And that’s when it hits you. A killer idea. The thought of the day. Gold Jerry Gold! OK, as soon as I get to my hotel, I’ll grab some stationary and get the idea down on paper, you think. Twenty minutes later, you check in. You walk into…
Who wants to sit in your radius?
As a professional speaker, I love watching other speakers do their thing. Especially the really, really good ones. EXAMPLE: A few months ago I delivered the keynote address at a recruiting conference. After four standing ovations and three encores (I kid, I kid) I had some time to kill before my flight back to St. Louis. Now, this doesn’t happen to me that often, so I was pretty stoked….
You can’t spell “ATTRACTION” without the word…
Anagrams are cool. For example: Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one. Same letters. A decimal point = I’m a dot in place. Same letters. Morrison = Mr. Mojo Risin. Same letters. George Bush = He bugs Gore. Same letters. Now, beyond clever wordplay, anagrams also suggest something deeper. THINK ABOUT IT: If the switching the letters of one word creates a NEW word that eerily connects to the…
19 Things Successful People Need to BECOME
When I started writing books in 2002, I decided that they wouldn’t be categorized as “How-To” books. But rather: “How-To BECOME” books. I think “becoming” is cool. Plain and simple. Especially the last three letters of the word: -ING -ING represents a lifelong process. -ING represents continuous improvement. -ING represents growth and change and maturity. It’s like my mentor, Bill Jenkins, used to tell us when we were kids:…
11 Ways to Become Brilliant
1. Allow everything to mentor you. Everyone you meet. Everything you do. Everywhere you go. Find a way to learn from them. Mentoring opportunities are endless. All you have to do is pay attention. Who (or what) teaches you? 2. Become an expert at learning from your experiences. As my mentor says, “We learn not from our experiences but from intelligent reflection upon those experiences.” So, after you experience…
How to profit from listening to idiots
Idiots are invaluable. Next time you encounter one, don’t be so quick to write them off. Instead, find a way to profit from them. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Track what makes you tick, then do the opposite. I used to have a colleague, Jordan, who was without a doubt, the worst listener in the history of the world. Total conversational narcissist. Major monopolizer. Big time know-it-all. So,…