You can’t spell M-A-R-K-E-T-I-N-G without the word…
I heart anagrams. I posted last year about anagramming the word “attraction.“ Kind of a neat experiment. Came out pretty cool. So, let’s do another one today: You can’t spell M-A-R-K-E-T-I-N-G without the word… Art. Because it IS an art. And a science. And a practice. All of the above. How many marketing books did you read this month? Gent. Be kind and respectful. Just like a proper gentleman….
The Difference between Content Expertise and Core Expertise
You have two kinds of expertise. First, there’s your Content Expertise: It’s topical. It’s a field of study. It comes from your head. It comes from what you KNOW. And, you deepen your Content Expertise through learning, reading, writing and teaching. Second, there’s your Core Expertise: It’s a practice. It’s a way of being. It comes from your heart and soul. It comes from who you ARE. And, you…
How much time do you spend on marketing each day?
In the (awesome) book Free Agent Nation, author Daniel Pink cites a 2001 survey conducted by The Washington Post that indicates the following: “Self-employed businesspeople spend an average of 43 minutes a day marketing themselves.” MY GUT REACTION: “43 minutes? Are you kidding me?” That’s 8%. Which leads to my next question: “What are you doing for the other 437 minutes? ANSWER: The wrong things. As a self-employed businessperson,…
How to Turn Vulnerability into Profitability
Wearing a nametag 24-7 for the past 3,000+ days has been great practice. Practice being vulnerable, that is. And as I continue to reflect on the past nine years of adhesive adventures, I’m slowly starting to realize the connection between vulnerability, approachability and profitability. HERE’S THE REALITY: Sticking yourself out there is a risk. And vulnerability is about being open. Revealing your personhood to the world. Submitting your ideas,…
241 Ways to become a Living Brochure of Your Own Awesomeness
So, I wrote a new ebook last night. Not for any particular reason. There was some stuff that just needed to be said. Anyway, here it is. For you. For free. For ever: ALL KEEPERS, NO FLUFF 241 Ways to become a Living Brochure of Your Own Awesomeness Here’s a few excerpts: 7. Allow people to experience that they can change your mind. 32. Believe what you believe because…
How to Engage Any Audience Instantly
Your introduction is WAY too long. During your speech. On your website video. In the beginning of your book. Way, way too long. This is dangerous for three reasons: FIRST: The attention span of a human being is about six seconds. So, if you don’t grab them RIGHT AWAY you may never get them. SECOND: The choices people have (besides you) are approaching infinite. So, if you don’t grab…
Three ways to win a FREE copy of Scott Ginsberg’s latest book!
Great news! In celebration of my latest book, Stick Yourself Out There : Get Them to Come to You, I’m going to be doing an exclusive promotion with … none other than … YOU! If you would like to receive a free, autographed copy of the book, here are your three options: 1. Do you have an ezine? You can do Q&A w/Scott for an upcoming issue! 2. Do…
NametagTV: ASAP is a Big, Fat Lie!
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9. Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… How do your words demonstrate ownership? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “15 Ownership Phrases That Payses,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur [email protected] The…
How to Create an Autoresponder That Customers Print Out & Show to Their Boss
Three questions: 1. Who has the best autoresponder you’ve ever heard? 2. When was the last time somebody complimented your autoresponder? 3. What could you possibly have to lose by making your autoresponder more fun, more memorable, more unexpected and more readable? Three answers: 1. Not you. 2. Never. 3. Nothing. HERE’S THE DEAL: Your autoresponder isn’t (just) an email. It’s part of your brand. It’s an extension of…
The Easiest Way to Overcome Your Fear of Writing
BIG QUESTION: Are you afraid of the physical act of writing; or are you afraid of exposing your true self on the page and then being judged on it? For most writers, the answer is the latter. Probably because of the whole “bleeding on the page thing.” Because that’s essentially what writing is. Sitting down every morning, opening a vein and drenching the canvas with your Truth. “Like walking…