How to Stand By Your Value and Sidestep Bloodsuckers – While Still Remaining Approachable
If you don’t set healthy boundaries for yourself, people will set them for you. And then they will violate them. And then they will tell their friends that it’s OK to violate them. All because you failed to set a precedent of value. You know the types of conversations I’m talking about. Those unsolicited phone calls, emails or in-person requests from people you barely know (or don’t know at…
8 Ways Make Your Message More Spreadable than Syphilis in a Slovakian Steam Room
Businesses that get talked about GET more business. Period. And if people aren’t actively telling their friends about you, your products and your services, they don’t exist. Period. Enter “spreadability.” No, this has nothing to do with Ritz Crackers. THE SECRET IS: You can’t “go viral” or “get people to start talking about you.” What you CAN do is create an environment in which word of mouth is most…
How to Make Your Business More Sellable than a Case of Coors Light at Denver Broncos Tailgate Party
You could be the greatest salesperson in the world. But if you’re trying to sell an unsellable product, that doesn’t matter. Any number multiplied by zero is still zero. The real issue isn’t, “How can I get people to buy?” but rather, “What could I do to make my business more sellable?” Let’s explore five strategies for boosting sellability: 1. Be picture perfect. In an article called, “How to…
8 Ways to become Ridiculously Referable without becoming a Pushy, Self-Promotional Putz
Here’s a quick summary of every book, article or blog post ever written on the topic of getting more referrals: Just be really good … Have integrity … Show up on time … Do what you say you’re going to do … Become likable … Earn people’s trust … Identify your perfect customer … Give referrals first … Ask for referrals more frequently. Good advice? Yes. Actionable advice? Not…
I didn’t realize how much I sucked until you told me!
Halfway through a recent business coaching session, my client stopped mid-sentence, laughed to himself and confessed the following: “You know Scott, I didn’t realize how much I sucked until you told me!” We had a good laugh about it. Now, I WILL say that although my coaching style has never been to “give people a breakdown so they can achieve a breakthrough,” Patrick’s comment WAS a valuable insight. He…
Do You Fulfill This Six-Part Definition of a Thought Leader?
“A trusted source who moves people with innovative ideas.” That’s the definition of a Thought Leader. Let’s unpack the six elements of that definition: TRUSTED Which means you become a Thought Leader because the marketplace recognizes you as such – not because you just decide to be one. Remember: Trust requires evidence. What are you known for knowing? SOURCE Which means you have to be The Origin, not The…
Little Known Ways for Creating an Open MIND Policy
Doors are for amateurs. Approachable leaders need to have open MINDS. Because even if you surgically remove the door from your wall, that might not reduce the psychological distance between you and your people. Here are four little known ways for implementing and Open Mind Policy at your office: 1. Create an environment of openness. People need to feel they’ve been given PERMISSION to (1) come up to, (2)…
You Don’t Have to be The Ritz Carlton to Provide Unforgettable Service
When my publishing/consulting company was just starting out, I worked nights & weekends at The Ritz Carlton to make ends meet. My job was s a valet crasher parker. AND HERE’S WHAT I LEARNED You don’t have to be The Ritz Carlton to provide unforgettable service. Consider incorporating these nine practices into your customer interactions: 1. Decide how you want customers to describe their experience with you. Have each…
9 Secrets Most Small Business Owners Overlook – Even the Pros
1. Advance the conversation. Stop the bloodsucking and start the billing. Otherwise move on. Your time is too expensive. Are people picking your brain or renting it? 2. Assault the minute. Optimize your time. Ask yourself, “What are you wasting your time and energy on that isn’t making you any money?” That’ll change your agenda pretty quickly. Is what you’re doing right now consistent with your #1 goal? 3….
12 Ways to be More Honorable than Abe Lincoln Hopped Up on Sodium Pentothal
The Sanskrit word namaste translates to, “The sprit within me honors the spirit within you.” The cool part is, namaste isn’t just about honoring people – it’s about honoring everything. So, if you want to make a name for yourself, consider this list of twelve ideas to be more honorable: 1. Honor all energies. Good. Bad. Ugly. In fact, stop labeling the energies as Good, Bad or Ugly. Attachment…