What Everybody Ought to Know about Being an Approachable Employee
1. Behavior is the broadcaster of attitude. Don’t bother announcing to people what kind of attitude you strive to maintain. Anyone who’s even (somewhat) perceptive can already tell. And here’s why: Bodies override mouths, verbs outweigh nouns and actions embody mindsets. Whatever you feel, people can spot. Whatever you harbor, people can smell. And whatever you deny, people can detect. They might not admit it, but deep down, they…
5 Fundamentals to Building a Business You Can be Proud of
1. Hissing is the echo of awesomeness. Accept the fact that approximately ten percent of the people you encounter in life will not like you. Get over it. Screw the ten and stick with the ninety. Pick a side, put a stake in the ground and polarize people purposely. And remember that if everyone loves you, you’re doing something wrong. Besides, you’re nobody until somebody hates you. At least…
Do You Make These 16 Mistakes of Utterly Uncoachable People?
When you’re not coachable, you’re not able to see yourself fully and objectively. When you’re not able to see yourself fully and objectively, you’re not able to maximize learning. When you’re not able to maximize learning, you’re not able to grow. When you’re not able to grow, you’re not able to win. LESSON LEARNED: Those who are coachable are profitable. Now, instead of coaching you on how to become…
Don’t Start a Business Until You Read These Nine Facts
1. Abandonment is the backbone of entrepreneurship. By definition, an entrepreneur is someone who undertakes and manages risk. Someone vulnerable. Someone courageous enough to stick herself out there. And so, what she abandons are outmoded traditions. Popular delusions. Stale thinking. What she abandons is any shell that would otherwise choke the budding dream inside of her. Are YOU willing to plunge forward planless into the vortex of action? 2….
Does Your Brand Pass The Ginsberg Test?
1. What are you doing to become even more visible? Anonymity is the adversary of success. I wear a nametag 24-7. In fact, today is my 9-year anniversary. I literally have zero anonymity whatsoever. (Except on Halloween, when I change my nametag as part of my costume.) Other than that, anyone who sees me at any given moment can say to herself, “Well, I guess his name is Scott…”…
How to Build a Rockstar Personal Brand without Breaking the Bank or Selling Your Soul to the Devil
There are no cover bands in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The same goes for business: The more imitatable you are, the less valuable you are. That’s why imitators never make history – only originators do. Your challenge is to honestly ask yourself if the personal brand you’re building is (truly) an amplification of your uniqueness … or just an echo of somebody else’s marketing. Because if…
14 Moves to Make YOUR Economy Rock, Even When THEE Economy Sucks
You have zero control over the economy. But you DO have 100% control over YOUR economy. REMEMBER: Just because THEE economy sucks, doesn’t mean YOUR economy can’t rock. THE QUESTION IS: Which of the two will you invest your time in? Consider these two facts: 1. The word “economy” derives from the Latin oeconomia, which means, “household management.” 2. The actual definition of the word “economy” is: “The disposition…
How to become So Interesting that Bravo Gives You Your Own Reality Show
Remember the scene from Planes, Trains and Automobiles when Steve Martin reaches his breaking point? After sharing a sleep-deprived night with his newfound travel buddy, John Candy, Martin leaps out of the beer-drenched motel bed in the middle of the night and starts ranting about Candy’s maddening behaviors: “Didn’t you notice on the plane when you started talking, eventually I started reading the vomit bag? Didn’t that give you…
12 Ways to Advance Yourself, Your Ideas and Your Career
We’re all trying to advance something. Our self. Our idea. Our cause. Our status. Our career. Our position. Our initiative. And it’s hard. Real progress is expensive and time intensive. THE GOOD NEWS IS: Advancing whatever you’re trying to advance WILL become an inevitable consequence if you make yourself a more advanceable person. Here’s a collection of twelve practices for doing so:: 1. Be prepared to advance. That’s the…
How to Show Up without Showing Off
Woody Allen was wrong. His famous one-liner was, “80% of life is showing up.” Wrong. Showing up isn’t enough. Think about it: How many times have YOU showed up … and sucked? HERE’S THE REALITY: That you show up isn’t nearly as important as how you show up. People respond to the sum total of what you present to them. Either positively, negatively, or not at all. It all…