Every day just doing that thing you do
Emerson had this idea that everyone should make their own bible. He said, select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet. As someone who has literally written my own bible, I can attest to this exercise’s profound spiritual implications. It was almost like starting my own religion, but without all the goofy hats. But…
The more we feel better, the more sensitive we become to feeling bad
When first introducing a new habit into your routine, a whole host of difficult feelings arise. Soreness, frustration, exhaustion, disgust, guilt, to name a few. But if you push through your initial discomfort, could be weeks, could be months, eventually, the pendulum swings. You reach the point where you not only feel better when you perform that habit, but you feel worse when you don’t. Your brain and body…
There is nothing wrong with us because there is nothing wrong
What’s the right path? How do we avoid picking the wrong one? And if we do, can we switch along the way? We need to stop asking these kinds of questions. Because there’s no such thing is the right path. In the micro, the right decision is the one we make, and in the macro, the right path is the one we take. Besides, which path we take is…
Humanity isn’t perfect, but it’s all we’ve got
My friend is a professional trivia writer and host. Partly because he’s a lover of knowledge, patterns and history, but also because he loves bringing people together to make memories. In fact, the way he builds programs is by reverse engineering fun. Eli starts from the memorable user experience that he wants to create, and works his backwards from there. What types of answers would create strong emotional responses?What…
There is no supposed to be, there is only what is
Most of us are looking at some part of our life and saying, this isn’t where that’s supposed to be. It’s a disheartening moment that comes for us all. Whether it’s our relationship, our career, our health, whatever, nothing cuts us deeper than the aching distance between expectation and reality. But we need to understand, this is not a failure of our life, it’s a failure of our language….
The slower we go, the faster we get there
How long will this take? It will take as long as it takes. Sounds like one of those super unsatisfying aphorisms our parents would say in the car on a long road trip. Not exactly reassuring when you’re ten years old, sitting in the back seat of the station wagon, waiting for something interesting to happen. And yet, this is precisely the speed at which most things occur. No…
Nothing shocks me but electricity
We live in a puritanical society where everyone is offended over irrelevancies. And it’s not a passive habit, either. People are vigilantly on the lookout for something to be slighted by. Always looking around every corner for what the world is doing to them, rather than doing for them. Hell, some people are offended when others are not offended by what they’re offended about. It’s the infinite regression of…
The higher we are carried on the wings of joy
Seinfeld asked the crucial question. What fun is life if you’re not making jokes all the time? The zen master of comedy was not doing a koan, merely stating a fact. Joy is the reason we are here. Humor is not only our best way of accepting our humanity, but also our best survival tool. Unlike other species, we can use it as a weapon to stave off bitterness…
Stopping the bouncing ball of your mind
My old office manager was the kind of person who was either hurt, sick, or recovering from being hurt or sick. The bouncy ball of her mind never seemed to rattle to a stop. Despite her attempts to hang onto the reins, her brain raced out of control, and often times it made her body run right off the tracks with it. And it’s not like she wasn’t suffering…
You could kill yourself and get nowhere
Although there is no intrinsic meaning in the universe, it’s not particularly helpful for me to believe that it’s pointless to try and construct my own meaning as a substitute. While still honoring and indulging in the nihilistic parts of myself, my main approach to life is to be existentialist in nature, using the combination of my creativity, my awareness and my agency to make the meaning my soul…