How to be More Efficacious
Pharmaceutical companies are well known for having an abundance of three things: 1. Drugs. 2. Money. 3. Chotchkies. I learned this in 2006 when I delivered the keynote speech at a leadership conference for the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. Not that I know anything about healthcare. My presentation was on how to make a name for yourself. Still, I couldn’t help but notice the heavy usage of a…
A Full Menu of Service
Offerings from The Nametag Guy!
Offerings from The Nametag Guy!
My job is to be a resource. Here are some ways you (or your organization) can use me: – – – – RENT: Scott’s brain for a one-on-one session, or enroll in his six-month mentoring curriculum. See a tangible result of what one of Scott’s mentoring clients has executed at Eat Your Career. Fee range: $500 – $3,500. BOOK: Scott as a speaker, facilitator or mobile host for your…
12 Ways to Increase Your Capacity to Execute
You know what you need to do. You know how you need to do it. You know when you need to start. So what’s the problem? WELL, MAYBE: Increasing your capacity to execute isn’t just about what you do – it’s also about what you avoid, what you stop doing and what you stop thinking. Consider these ideas for turning ideas into action: 1. You don’t need to respond…
How Ignoring Feedback Can Save Your Business
I contribute regular columns for a few dozen print and online publications. Last year, one particular article must have struck a nerve: I received over two thousand reader emails within 48 hours of its publication. Awesome! Unfortunately, my writer buzz was severally harshed when my editor forwarded me an email from an upset reader: “Scott, this letter came for you from an English professor at Princeton. Apparently, he didn’t…
How to Win without Planning
I started my company the week after I graduated college. Mainly because the prospect of getting a regular office job like the rest of my friends made me want to gouge my eyes out with a broken Coke bottle. Anyway, because I hadn’t yet woken up from the compliant, self-hypnotic stupor of higher education, I actually went to the library one day to, ahem, write my business plan. Ugh….
How to Care
You can’t bastardize “caring” into a technique. There’s no formula. There’s no handbook. There’s no seven-step system. It’s not about doing it the right way – it’s more about your willingness TO care, you awareness OF caring, and consistency with which you DO care. THE HARD PART IS: Caring takes a lot of work. If you’re up to the challenge, here’s a list of ideas that might help: 1….
Are You Crossing Over or Fleeing From These Seve Small Business Bridges?
1. Applicability is the bridge between information and insight. Anyone can be a vending machine of good information. Only a true thought leader could bridge the gap. The difference is: Information is just content; insight is a penetrating mental vision. Which one do you deliver? 2. Execution is the bridge between creativity and innovation. Everybody is creative. My five-year-old nephew is creative. That’s the easy part, since creativity is…
How to Sell a Commodity and Still Win
Abrasives. Automotive accessories. Bearings. Building supplies. Cattle. Chemicals. Coffee beans. Computer Hardware. Converters. Envelopes. Fertilizer. Grain. Industrial metals. Insurance. Laboratory equipment. Minerals. Oil. Office supplies. Precious metals. Salt. Soybeans. Sugar. Textiles. Wheat. Wool. These things are commodities. Common products customers can buy anywhere. And if you’re in the business of selling them, you’re in trouble. Especially now, when the available choices for products and services are infinite. That’s the…
Does Your Company Pass The Testicle Test?
“Wow, that takes balls.” That’s what people tell you. When you do something crazy. When you go full time as an artist. When you take the entrepreneurial plunge. That it requires balls. Cujones. Courage. Moxie. The willingness to step up and stick yourself out there. I agree. I think it absolutely takes balls to change the world. But. Having balls (alone) isn’t enough. As Lawrence Fishburne said in Boyz…
How (not) to Fade Away
LET ME ASK YA THIS… Will your brand fade away? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For list called, “26 Ways to Out Brand the Competition,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Mentor [email protected] Nobody seeing YOUR name anywhere? Bummer. Perhaps my monthly mentoring program would help. Rent Scott’s Brain today!