How to Sell a Commodity and Still Win
Abrasives. Automotive accessories. Bearings. Building supplies. Cattle. Chemicals. Coffee beans. Computer Hardware. Converters. Envelopes. Fertilizer. Grain. Industrial metals. Insurance. Laboratory equipment. Minerals. Oil. Office supplies. Precious metals. Salt. Soybeans. Sugar. Textiles. Wheat. Wool. These things are commodities. Common products customers can buy anywhere. And if you’re in the business of selling them, you’re in trouble. Especially now, when the available choices for products and services are infinite. That’s the…
Does Your Company Pass The Testicle Test?
“Wow, that takes balls.” That’s what people tell you. When you do something crazy. When you go full time as an artist. When you take the entrepreneurial plunge. That it requires balls. Cujones. Courage. Moxie. The willingness to step up and stick yourself out there. I agree. I think it absolutely takes balls to change the world. But. Having balls (alone) isn’t enough. As Lawrence Fishburne said in Boyz…
How (not) to Fade Away
LET ME ASK YA THIS… Will your brand fade away? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For list called, “26 Ways to Out Brand the Competition,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Mentor [email protected] Nobody seeing YOUR name anywhere? Bummer. Perhaps my monthly mentoring program would help. Rent Scott’s Brain today!
How to Stand Your Ground without Stepping on People’s Toes
There’s a fine line between boundary management and self-righteous entitlement. As Diane Draher wrote in The Tao of Inner Peace, “We must never let a cause, organization or a relationship so complete eclipse our lives that we forget who we are.” LESSON LEARNED: If you’re going to stand your ground, make sure you’re not stepping on people’s toes. Consider these ideas for walking the fine line: 1. Commitment can…
How to Start
After an hour of deliberation, I couldn’t come up with a clever way to start this blog post. So, I’m just going to start. Hope these seven ideas light a fire under your ass and inspire you to start whatever you’ve been thinking about starting. 1. Poll your past. Think about the last five things you started. From relationships to art projects to work habits to fitness goals. Write…
Five Things “They” Say, and Why I Disagree
1. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” I say: “Put all your eggs in one basket, then guard that basket with your life and make sure the savages with frying pans and eggbeaters stay away.” Meanwhile, make sure you dance the fine line between risky and reckless. One is sticking yourself out there – the other is leaving yourself out there. One is adventure accompanied by danger…
How to Follow Up After a Job Interview without Coming off Like a Stalker
“Morning Karen! I just wanted to personally thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule yesterday to talk to me about the Senior Toilet Cleaning position with The Packlebush Proctology Clinic. After speaking with you and the group – and considering the other four loser applicants I saw in the waiting room – I believe I’d be the perfect candidate for the job. And I hope…
How to be Risky as Hell without being Reckless as Hell’s Angels
Being an entrepreneur is risky. That’s actually the definition of the word: “One who undertakes risks.” The challenge is negotiating the fine line between riskiness and recklessness. If you don’t, you may end up going bankrupt. Today we’re going to explore the distinction between these two ends of the entrepreneurial spectrum: RISKY is sticking yourself out there. RECKLESS is leaving yourself out there. LET ME ASK YA THIS: Are…
10 Ways Talk Yourself Out of Your Next Great Idea
Do you want to dramatically shrink your creative output? Are you seeking to smother your brain’s finest impulses? How about removing any shred of hope for innovative thinking at your organization? Fantastic! Consider incorporating the following ten silent dialogues into your daily lexicon of self-limiting language. Soon, you’ll be talking yourself out of your next great idea quicker than you can say, “That’ll never work!” 1. “That’s stupid!” Always…
Thanks for Buying Gitomer’s Little Book of Leadership
Welcome all Gitomer groupies! If you’ve landed on this page, you’ve just bought a copy of Jeffrey Gitomer’s Little Book of Leadership. My name is Scott Ginsberg. Jeffrey and I are friends. And he asked me to offer a special gift as a thanks to you. I write books and give talks on approachability. And, since I’m usually the youngest person in the room, I’ve written an ebook on…