9 Ways to Upgrade to the Next Version of Yourself
This year, I celebrated my thirtieth birthday. But instead of spiraling into the typical self-loathing, woe-is-me, I’m-not-satisfied-what-I’ve-accomplished-in-my-life-so-far pity party that most thirty-year olds resign to, I made a choice: I’m not turning thirty – I’m upgrading to the 3.0 version of myself. Pretty cool concept. I don’t know where I came up it, but here’s what it means: Commemorating a major life change. Staying in stride with upward, progressive…
How to be a Hero to the People Who Matter, Part 2
Put away your red cape. Forget about your alter ego. And cancel the order on those purple spandex. Being a hero isn’t what the comic books portray it as. Here’s the reality: To live heroically is to consistently commit to (and act from) the best, highest version of yourself – every day. That’s the real superpower. Today we’re going to another collection of ideas (read part one!) to help…
8 Ways to Break the Mold Without Breaking the Budget
So, apparently, there’s a mold. I was not aware of this. I just assumed everyone thought for themselves. Guess not. According to a recent scientific study that I conducted yesterday by asking four of my friends, most people are other people. What’s more, further research proves that most people have no problem letting the world think for them. Which, I guess I understand. It’s easier, faster, safer, cheaper and…
How to be a Hero, Even If You Look Hideous in Purple Spandex
Put away your red cape. Forget about your alter ego. And cancel the order on those purple spandex. Being a hero isn’t what the comic books portray it as. Here’s the reality: To live heroically is to consistently commit to (and act from) the best, highest version of yourself – every day. That’s the real superpower. Today we’re going to explore part one of a collection of ideas (read…
How to Handle the Inevitable Loneliness of Being an Entrepreneur
Like many entrepreneurs, I go to Starbucks a lot. But not for the coffee. Or the snacks. Or the ambiance. Or the cool music. Or the free wifi. I go there because I’m lonely. I go there because I crave human interaction. I go there because I need to talk to real people every day. That’s something they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School. Or at the Chamber…
The Ayn Rand Guide to Becoming an Object of Interest
“Nobody noticed if he was good looking. When Francisco d’Anconia entered a room, it was simply impossible to look at anyone else. He had a name that wiped out all others when people saw it.” That’s my favorite scene from Atlas Shrugged. Why? It’s about intrigue. It’s about fascination. It’s about interestingness. IN SHORT: It’s about being an object of interest in the minds of the people who matter….
8 Ways to Walk Your Truth in a World of Fiction
Occasionally, people will walk up to me and rip off my nametag. This used to upset me. I thought it was rude, invasive and disrespectful. But after a few years, I got over it. Plus I got over myself. And I realized that people were just having fun. No need to cause a scene. Besides, I have twenty pre-written nametags in my wallet at all times. Not to mention…
How Succeed in Business When You’re the Youngest Person at the Company
Sometimes, it sucks being the youngest one in room. And by “sometimes,” I mean, “every excruciating hour of your workday.” Think about it: Nobody takes you seriously. The world refuses to listen to your voice. And the people you work with are twice your age, have three times your knowledge and four times your experience. What’s a kid to do? Instead of going postal on your entire office with…
How to Confront Yourself Without Condemning Yourself, Part 2
As if you weren’t already assailed with enough negativity, criticism and confrontation from outside sources, I am now going to ask you to start confronting yourself. Ugh. Who wants to do that? People hate confronting themselves. They’re afraid that they’ll hate what they see. They’re scared that they’ll have to take responsibility. They’re terrified that they’ll have to make some changes. Nah. It’s much easier to turn my eyes…
How to Confront Yourself Without Condemning Yourself, Part 1
As if you weren’t already assailed with enough negativity, criticism and confrontation from outside sources, I am now going to ask you to start confronting yourself. Ugh. Who wants to do that? People hate confronting themselves. They’re afraid that they’ll hate what they see. They’re scared that they’ll have to take responsibility. They’re terrified that they’ll have to make some changes. Nah. It’s much easier to turn my eyes…