The Don Draper Guide to Making a Case for Yourself
My favorite episode of Mad Men is called “Lipsticks & Dipsticks.” In his sales pitch, Don Draper says the following: “Every woman wants choices. But in the end, none wants to be one of a hundred in a box. She’s unique. She makes the choices and she’s chosen him. She wants to tell the world he’s mine. He belongs to me, not you. She marks her man with her…
Watch Scott Ginsberg’s 47-Minute Skype Interview on the Topic of, Well, Pretty Much Eveything Under the Entrepreneurial Sun
LET ME ASK YA THIS… How many interviews did you do this week? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “12 Ways to Keep Your Relationships Alive,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Mentor [email protected] Never the same speech twice. Now booking for 2011! Watch The Nametag Guy…
How to Stop Being Nice and Start Becoming Necessary
That’s nice, but… We’re not Apple. That’s nice, but… That doesn’t help me. That’s nice, but… How much will this cost? That’s nice, but… How does that affect the bottom line? That’s nice, but… That doesn’t really answer my question. So much for the power of nice. Not that there’s anything wrong with being nice. BUT HERE’S THE DIFFERENCE: Nice gets commended, necessary gets compensated. Which word describes the…
Is Your Company a Phonebook?
A few weeks ago we talked about retaining relevancy. For your person. For your company brand. For your organization as a whole. IN SHORT: Don’t be a phonebook. Today our discussion continues with four more strategies for staying relevant:1. Renew your relevance to adapt to your customer’s lifestyle. Did you know that McDonald’s offers free wifi? Yep. It’s pretty sweet. Hell, I’ve gone there with my laptop on several…
Scott Ginsberg Teaches Optimists International How to be More Joinable
LET ME ASK YA THIS… Who’s joining you? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “15 Ways to Out Learn Your Competitors,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Mentor [email protected] Never the same speech twice. Now booking for 2011! Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!
The Official Nametagscott Guide to Stick-to-itiveness, Part 4
Stick-to-itiveness can be learned. Aka, “Stick to it.” Aka, “Stick with it.” Aka, “Stick in there.” All you have to do is shift your attitude completely – work hard, smart and long while nobody notices – and design a daily practice of self-determination and commitment. Hey. I said it could be learned – not that it would be easy. Up to the challenge? Cool. Fortunately, I’ve already published part…
9 Simple Strategies to Slay Your Inner Editor and Let Your Truth Sing
I don’t edit. I don’t rewrite. I don’t do drafts. I don’t go back and revisit old work. I write things once, I write them in blood, and I publish them to the world with zero regret and infinite confidence. Sure, I might change a few words here and there. Or modify my position on an issue. And of course, always make grammatical improvements at the request of my…
9 Ways to Make Your Customers Smarter
Contrary to popular practice, it’s not smart to have dumb customers. The more your customers learn, the more profit you earn. The more your customers know, the more your business grows. The more your customers understand, the more powerful your brand. LESSON LEARNED: Companies that teach, win. Here’s a list of ways to make your customers smarter:1. Curators aren’t just for museums. In an increasingly commoditized marketplace, service is…
Scott Ginsberg Teaches Retail Store Owners How to be a Hero to Their Customers
This excerpt comes from a recent presentation in Atlantic City with my client, Ultra Diamonds. These guys are busting their butts during the holiday season to make sure their customers look and feel like a million bucks. They’re truly heroes. LET ME ASK YA THIS… Whom are you a hero to? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “15 Ways to Out Learn Your Competitors,” send an email…
What To Do When You Feel Like You Don’t Matter
When was the last time you were paralyzed by the threat of insignificance? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Myself included. THE REALITY IS: The human need to feel valuable to the world runs deeper than just about anything. THE SECRET IS: How quickly do you recognize, overcome and leverage that that looming threat into something positive? Not sure what to do when you feel like…