My throat closes just thinking about it
The thing about your wedding is, no matter how much you may dislike being the center of attention, there’s no stopping the indescribable experience of receiving that much love in such a short period of time. It’s sweet, raw, pure and unstoppable. And it’s particularly difficult if you’re a giver. Anytime there’s a prodigious amount of love energy coming back to us, we can’t help but get overwhelmed at…
Are you quite sure there is no strand of rebellion?
Rebels aren’t necessarily energized by flouting the rules. What really motivates us is our desire to determine our own course of action. To view our choices as expressions of our identity. Whereas rebelling for rebellion’s sake can be overreactive, immature and potentially reckless. It’s the moral equivalent to cutting off your nose to spite your face. And there’s a ton of nuance here. Rebellion is all about mindset, intention,…
Good for you for not wasting your breath
Because you don’t want to. Those five words should be reason enough not to do something. But that isn’t enough for certain people. They don’t agree that the word no is a complete sentence. They’re always asking us to convince them that our desires are okay. Demanding that we justify our choices in a way that makes sense to their worldview. Does this interaction infuriate you? If so, you’re…
And I thought they smelled bad on the outside
The monomyth includes a phase called the belly of the beast. It’s that formative time in which the hero doubts themselves and wishes the journey had never begun. Skywalker famously gets stranded in a subzero wasteland in his journey. And the only protection from certain death in the freezing climate is for his best friend to slit open a dead tauntaun and help him rest inside the stinking but…
Suffering a bewildering sense of separation
Carlin once complained that all you ever hear about in this country is our differences. That’s all the media and the politicians are ever talking about. The things that separate us. That’s the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people, they keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they, the rich, can run…
You cannot be the same person who once left that place
A bizarre and scary part about growing up is experiencing your home as a visitor, rather than a resident. It just kind of happens one day. You come back home for a holiday or a long weekend, and you realize that may of the things you used to find comfort in, aren’t there anymore. Or they are still there, but they just don’t do it for you anymore. Like…
In our yearning is our nostalgia for the future
The most penetrating question ever asked: What if we trusted that nothing was missing right now? Maybe we could quiet our yearning and listen to our own gifts. Maybe we could focus on living the life that we have. Maybe we could make more conscious choices about our experience. Maybe we could believe that all we ever need is before us, around us and within us. The possibilities are…
The shades and hues of a more vibrant you
We tyrannize ourselves with shoulds. All of these cognitive distortions, typically inherited from social and cultural expectations, tell us a story about where we think our lives ought to have be by a certain time or a certain age. Spencer, the brilliant award winning actress, delivered an inspiring commencement speech about this very topic: She told the students that what defines you now will be mere shades and hues…
We are constantly asked to carry less
Getting better doesn’t always mean doing more. Sometimes the gateway to growth is less. We create blank space where there had not been any before. And in that void, the natural order emerges. The most notable opportunity is with our schedules. Instead of scrambling from meeting to meeting, call to call, activity to activity, we install buffer for exits and reentries. Instead of working right up to the moment…
Losing our ability to tolerate ordinary misery
If you’re the kind of person who consistently complains about your expensive, mediocre, unsatisfying lunch sandwiches, that you physically went out and purchased with your own money, then you don’t get even a wink of sympathy from me. People who complain about situations that they create, decisions that they make, are in desperate need of some upside down ankle shaking. My patience has officially run out. Carlin used to…