Learn how to invent, and the rest of the world’s opportunities open up to you
Invention is in my blood. Ever since I was a kid, making things has always been the most natural way for me to engage with the world. That’s one of the reasons I’ve studied thousands of books and articles and documentaries about inventors. The process enraptures me. To invent, after all, is to produce by original thought. Is there anything else in the world that matches inventing in terms of…
Eyes Full Of Dreams — Chapter 06: Grow Down (2015) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Eyes Full Of Dreams is a musical and motivational masterclass about making use of everything you are. This film will be presented as a serialized, episodic documentary. I’m premiering each song as a stand alone chapter. Watch the movie, buy the album and download the dream journal at Grow Down Put my strong face on My feet haven’t returned to the ground Pick your jaw up and carry on The old…
Your feelings have a beginning, middle and end
When you’re sitting in a hot room, half naked, staring in the mirror, for ninety minutes straight, there’s nowhere to hide. It’s pure confrontation with self. And so, in the middle cobra pose when you suddenly get one of those painful, intense, involuntary spasms of the second toe, your instinctive reaction is to jolt out of the posture and rub the cramp out. Because that’s what we’ve been trained…
Switch gears from perusing to plowing
Often times I beguile inspiration by walking the factory floor. Casually and thoughtfully perusing the latest additions to my idea inventory, having faith that something will stand up and beg to be written. But that approach doesn’t work every time. Sometimes I stare at the screen for an hour and realize, I have nothing to say right now. In those empty moments, I try inverting the process. I switch…
Hell isn’t other people, hell is trying to change them
When I was a kid, I was always the first one done with the exam. After fifteen minutes, I’d put down my pencil and look up from my desk, only to realize that everyone else was still on the second page. My teachers assumed I was either cheating, rushing or horsing around; and my classmates assumed I was either kissing ass or showing off. But none of the above…
Moments of Conception 185 — The Manhattan Scene from Elf
All creativity begins with the moment of conception. That little piece of kindling that gets the fire going. That initial source of inspiration that takes on a life of its own. That single note from which the entire symphony grows. That single spark of life that signals an idea’s movement value, almost screaming to us, something wants to be built here. Based on my books in The Prolific Series, I’m going…
Reach across the borders of reality
Every time somebody makes the declaration, it is what it is, my heart breaks a little bit more. Uttering this phrase is a surrendering of power. It’s a laziness in disguise. People think they’re offering a meaningful insight on the human experience, but it’s really just rationalized victimhood. It’s a story people tell themselves about their own helplessness. A perfect narrative of excuses and failure. Lifton, the psychiatrist who famously researched…
Don’t be in the light, be there before it arrives
Rituals play a central role in religion because they provide a framework for worship, even when faith is low. The same could be said about the creative process. The thriving artist crafts a menu of carefully defined, highly structured behaviors into his daily and weekly schedules because he knows he can’t count on inspiration and discipline alone. He knows rituals create a foundation of security when faith is low. …
Discerning the future horizon of work
Most career transitions follow a similar pattern. There’s the phase of recharging, in which we carve a path back to ourselves. We rest and recuperate and go on sabbatical and give our bodies and minds a chance to just do nothing for a finite period of time. Next comes the phase of reflecting, in which we create a deeper understanding of ourselves. We think about who we are, what we do…
Eyes Full Of Dreams — Chapter 05: Honey (2015) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Eyes Full Of Dreams is a musical and motivational masterclass about making use of everything you are. This film will be presented as a serialized, episodic documentary. I’m premiering each song as a stand alone chapter. Watch the movie, buy the album and download the dream journal at Honey Honey, you’re a find girlSitting cross legged on a broken worldHoney, are you sure you’reReady for the knuckles to knock your doorFor…