Steal Scott’s Ideas, Episode 108: The Great Barrier Gonorrhea || Brittany, Conrad, Kate
What if strangers never stared at you again? What if glittery greeting cards cleaned your house? What if we turned ocean pollution into fertilizer? What if you had a molasses covered groin? What if seals copulated without destroying beaches? In this episode of Steal Scott’s Ideas, Brittany, Conrad and Kate gather in Brooklyn for some execution in public. **Sponsored by Applyd Execution Lesson 108: Creating the company that houses your…
Working full time versus working all the time
I have a friend who ran a successful jewelry business for many years. She schlepped her wares to craft fairs, developed her brand presence, built a solid customer base, got her art featured in key industry publications, even opened a small brick and mortar shop to grow her company locally. But like many entrepreneurs who turn their passion into a business, it was a heaping shit ton of work….
Taking extreme ownership of your world
We cannot fathom having no excuses. It’s what separates us from rest of the animal kingdom. Human beings possess the unique ability to pick up their blame throwers and abdicate responsibility for their work. But in nature, it’s much different. Beavers and squirrels rarely surrender accountability for their actions. Because they’re not professional victims. They just do the work building dams and collecting nuts or whatever else woodland creatures…
Don’t be afraid of letting the experience find you
Instead of assuming something is wrong with you for feeling a particular way, understand how this moment gives you options. Learn to say to yourself, I look forward to the disruption this will bring. Here are a few of my greatest hits. Exhaustion? That’s a signal that you are getting closer to an important understanding. Stuckness? That means you have moved through all the easy stuff. Fear? That’s proof…
Let me teach you the right names for things
The story we tell ourselves is, if we could just phrase it perfectly, maybe this person will finally change. If we could just teach them the right names for things, maybe they will come to their senses and become more like us. That’s how it works, right? Keep hitting people over the head with our version of the truth, and they’ll eventually learn to see things our way. It’s…
Entering fully into an experience that gives you pleasure
Joy is not an accident, it’s a choice. One that we actually have control over. The problem is, most of us are so emotionally guarded that we don’t allow ourselves to manifest our delight. We’re too intent on bracing ourselves for the worst. And so, we hold back from trusting and experiencing joy. Because people might point and whisper and stare at us like we’re nuttier than a bag…
When your confidence is fragile
There are exactly zero scientific studies that have shown any evidence behind the accuracy of horoscopes. For entertainment purposes only, as the disclaimer says. Of course, we all see what we need to see. Why not let the placebo effect have its way with us? Sometimes it’s just more fun to believe. I once read my horoscope from a trashy tabloid left behind on the train. And the message…
Take a vow of fidelity to the moment
Tracy’s book on leadership reinvention offers a sobering reflection. Life won’t follow the pattern of controls we try to put in place. Life never works out the way it should work out, only the way it does work out. It pays no attention to what we require for it to be meaningful. Even if we do try some kind of aikido approach, to stop seeming to strive for life to turn out as it should while still…
Going back to a dry well, thinking there’s water
I once knew a guy whose chief complaint about his career was: I’m too good to be this broke. It’s a sentiment that always struck me as deeply entitled and sad. Because the truth is, the world doesn’t owe any of us a living. Nobody held a gun to our heads and forced us to start a business. And it’s not the universe’s responsibility to underwrite our deepest career…
Sliding into complacency
I read a devastating obituary about a celebrity drug addict who relapsed after twenty plus years of sobriety. The writer made an powerful point about how addiction isn’t a state of mind that wears off over time, but a permanent change in the shape and chemistry of the brain. He says that if you’re counting your sober days, months, or even years, don’t forget to watch your step. You may have…