Years ago, a producer from the biggest morning show in the country sent me an email.
She was shooting a segment about wearing nametags, and seeking an expert to offer commentary on the topic. Initially, nobody came to mind. And since she was on deadline, they almost abandoned the piece.
But then the producer did some quick googling on the phrase nametag expert, and only one person came up. Yours truly. Which made for a pretty straightforward negotiation.
In the end, the segment went live the next week with great fanfare.
Looking back, the experience felt like the human version of the annoying but truthful technology cliché, there’s an app for that.
Somebody thinks to themselves, okay, we have this very specific problem, but in this amazing world that we live in, there is an accessible solution.
Seinfeld would say something like, yeah, we got a guy for that.
This transaction is a simple but profound lesson in brand equity. Whether you’re a person, a smartphone app, or an organization, each of these questions point to the same thing.
What are you known for? What are you known for knowing? What are you known as? What is everybody always asking you about?
Gitomer calls this value attraction. Weiss calls this market gravity. Godin calls this word ownership.
My name for it is approachability.
But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what it’s called, it matters that people call. And that you’re ready to answer.
Which, by the way, may not be for another decade.
That’s the part nobody talks about. The one that requires patience and continuity and resilience.
Because it will probably be a long time before what you’re known for finally catches on.
Question is, how long are you willing to do it before the right people notice?
Hopefully you’ll still be around when the world is finally ready for you.
What is the thing that happens every time somebody touches your brand?