I once read an article about a seedy bar in North Carolina called He’s Not Here. The name originated from an owner who was accused of attracting customers of the, shall we say, unfaithful nature. And because of the fear of jealous wives rampaging for their husbands, the bartender always answered the phone by saying, “He’s not here!”
Now, although the personal brand of that business isn’t exactly proper, you’ve got to admit – that’s a damn clever way to answer the phone. And consistent. And memorable. And funny.
Sadly, only a small percentage of people do this; either because they’re too lazy, they’d rather just utter the canned “This is Jim…” or they can’t think of anything creative.
A few years ago I was invited to be a guest on a local morning show to talk about my first book, HELLO, my name is Scott. But I knew the DJ’s would give me a hard time. So, when they dialed my number (on the air) and waited for me to pick up, I answered with, “HELLO, my name is Scott…?”
The three DJ’s started laughing so hard, I had to hold the phone away from my ear! They were dying! They even complimented my creative approach to answering the phone. And so, ever since then, I’ve never answered the phone another way – and people still laugh almost every time.
How could you answer the phone in a more memorable and creative way?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag