Unless It Costs Us Something, It’s Not Worth Anything

Everybody wants the scar, but nobody wants the scab.

We’re too impatient to wait, too accustomed to instant
gratification and too seduced by our something-for-nothing culture. That’s why we
seek shortcuts to boost our numbers, trick people into buying from us and,
eventually, get what we want without actually putting in our time. Because we

Why bleed for what we want when we can buy what we don’t need?

I’ll tell you why.

Unless it costs us
something, it’s not worth anything.

In any endeavor, there is no hope for easy conquest. It has
to be something we work for. Something that burns a few calories and puts a few
hairs on our chest. Only on the sacrificial field, only through the harsh and
revealing light of adversity, do we truly do our most meaningful work.

We have to be willing to bleed for it.


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Author. Speaker. Strategist. Songwriter. Filmmaker. Inventor. Gameshow Host. World Record Holder. I also wear a nametag 24-7. Even to bed.
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