It seems like a lifetime ago that I left that on-campus seminar at Miami University and decided to leave on my nametag for one day, just to see what happened.
I say “lifetime” because in the past six years, I’ve undergone more changes and more experiences than I could ever dream of. And after 2000 days straight of wearing a nametag 24-7, 37,000+ encounters, 3 books, 100+ speeches, 80+ articles and a full blown career as an entrepreneur, here are some of my favorite moments, lessons and memories…
Favorite People I’ve Met While Wearing A Nametag
I’d say it’s a tie between Ira the Squirrel Man, The Hugging Bellman, The Pick Up Artist, The Windy City Wench and Don’t Mess with Texas, Part 2
Stupidest Thing I’ve Ever Done While Wearing a Nametag
I once tried to use my brother’s fake ID to get into a bar. The bouncer looked at the license and asked, “So, Steve, why does your nametag say ‘Scott’? Woops.
Strangest Reaction to Wearing a Nametag
I still don’t understand how she thought I was on American Idol.
Most Embarrassing Moment While Wearing a Nametag
Even though I HATE strip clubs, I once went to Diamond Cabaret for a bachelor party. (I would have objected but I was the only sober driver.) Anyway, some guy came up to me at 4 AM and said, “Hey Scott! I really enjoyed your speech at my company the other day!” I’ve never been back, nor will I ever go back.
Most Frustrating Moment While Wearing a Nametag
One time before stepping on stage to give a speech, I was introduced as “Seth” Ginsberg. Boy, you’re really not paying attention when you screw that up!
Favorite Accomplishment While Wearing a Nametag
I don’t know what I’m more proud of: writing a quiz on approachability for Cosmo or getting inducted into Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.
Best Thing About Wearing a Nametag
Sigmund Freud says that “a person’s name is the single context of memory most apt to be forgotten.” Fortunately, nobody ever has to worry about forgetting mine; which I’m sure it’s a nice relief, albeit a small one.
Worst Thing About Wearing a Nametag
I’ve ruined a lot of my shirts.
Favorite Day While Wearing a Nametag
I gotta go with November 2, 2005. It was my five year anniversary. I celebrated by getting a nametag tattooed on my chest.
Best Christmas Gift Related to Wearing a Nametag
Thanks, Santa. And by Santa I mean MACO.
Favorite Traveling Adventure While Wearing a Nametag
The best chocolate and cheese from the world’s most neutral country.
Most Ironic Moment While Wearing a Nametag
I guess you had to be there.
My answer is…
…YES. After all, if I didn’t believe, none of this would have happened.
Here’s to the next 2000!
Am I out of my mind or what!?
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag