Nametag Guy LIVE: People Buy People First

What’s your philosophy on people?

For a list called “34 Cultural Trends that (should) Change Your Business,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll do my best to enlighten you 🙂

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

What’s YOUR approach?

Join The Nametag Forums! Share stories, best practices and connect with a like-minded community of business professionals who stick themselves out there!

Well, yeah, but there’s a LOT of people who are smart ;)

“Why are they talking to THAT idiot?!” you scream at the TV.

“Channel 5 should be interviewing ME! I’m the smart one when it comes to that topic!”

Well, yes, that may be true. You certainly may be the smart one.

But there’s a LOT of people out there who are smart.

Which means being smart isn’t enough.

So, the real question is:

Are you funny?
Are you likable?
Are you unique?
Are you relevant?
Are you attractive?
Are you articulate?
Are you interesting?
Are you fascinating?
Are you remarkable?
Are you entertaining?
Are you positioned well?
Are you the Go-To-Guy?
Are you a Thought Leader?
Are you the obvious expert?
Are you speaking in soundbites?
Are you somewhat controversial?
Are you blogging every single day?

I hope so.

Because THAT’S the type of person the media wants.

What do you know that people would pay money for?

For a list called “17 Ways to become a Thought Leader,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll make sure YOU”RE the one the media interviews next time 😉

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

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12 Ways to Get Customers to Open Your Email FIRST

Want to know the secret to email follow up?

TWO WORDS: Subject line.

Because that’s the only thing customers see.
Because that’s the only thing customers have the time to read.
Because that’s the only thing customers will use to decide whether or not to open it.
Because that’s the only way you can immediately differentiate yourself in their inbox.

So, it has to be engaging, interesting, curious and funny.

It has to appeal to their ego and emotions. Capture the interest. Make their head tilt to the side like a curious dog.

And you only have about 50 characters to do that.

The good news is, most of your competitors are titling their email with unremarkable, unengaging and uncreative titles like:

o Hi! (This sounds like spam.)
o Hey there
 (This sounds like pornography.)
o What’s up? (Come on, you can do better than that!)
o Check this out
 (Yep, more spam.)
o (No subject) (This is lazy and annoying.)

So, here’s your chance! Check out this list of 12 enticing subject lines for unforgettable follow up, along with a reason for why each of them work:

YOU WRITE: Have you seen this article about your company yet?
 there was an article about my company? Sweet! I hope it was positive!

YOU WRITE: I saw something that made me think of you

THEY THINK: Really? Hmm 
 I wonder what makes other people think of ME?

YOU WRITE: Man, I sure hope you’ve already seen this

THEY THINK: Eep! Did I miss something important?

YOU WRITE: I thought of you when I read this

THEY THINK: I wonder if I’ve already seen it

YOU WRITE: I thought of you when I saw this

THEY THINK: I wonder what this is

YOU WRITE: I was thinking about you the other day.
THEY THINK: Really? Cool! Tell me more. I like being thought about

YOU WRITE: I was thinking about your business the other day.
THEY THINK: Ooh! This could be good

YOU WRITE: Someone paid you a compliment yesterday.
THEY THINK: Hooray! Let’s see who loves me

YOU WRITE: I blogged about you the other day

THEY THINK: Link love? Awesome! Let’s have a look-see

YOU WRITE: When I saw this, I immediately thought of you!
THEY THINK: Gotta love mindshare

YOU WRITE: Your ears should be ringing

THEY THINK: Yes! My evil plan for market domination is totally working!

YOU WRITE: Your name came up in a conversation recently

THEY THINK: Sweet! I’d like to hear more about this

– – –

OK. One final note about email follow up

Don’t bait and switch people.

Give customers a valid reason for your persistence. Make sure your subject line ACTUALLY has something to do with your message, and isn’t just some trick to get them to open your email. People hate being duped like that.

Ultimately, it’s all about engagement, curiosity and emotion.

It’s about making the subject lines of your email fun, creative, memorable and attractive.

If your customers receive hundreds of emails a day, what’s going to make them want to open YOURS first?

What are your Top Five Best Email Subject Lines? Share them here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Who’s telling their friends about YOU?

Tune in to The Marketing Channel on!

Watch video lessons on spreading the word!

NametagTV: Behind the Scenes

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Join the online discussion in The Nametag Forum about this video here!

How are you taking your customers behind the scenes?

For a list called “10 Ways to Help Your Customers to Know YOU,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll show you the way!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Satisfaction not enough?
Customers not telling their friends about you?
Want to learn how to deliver unforgettable service?

Buy Scott’s new book and learn how to get your frontline IN line!

Pick up your copy (or a case!) right here.

Golden Rule, Schmolden Rule

You know The Golden Rule.

THE QUESTION IS: How, specifically, do you practice it every day?

The bad news is, most people don’t.

The good news is, if you’re stuck, here are a few suggestions:

ACT like the kind of friend YOU’D want to turn to at 2 AM.
ANSWER the kinds of questions YOU’D want to ask.
BE the kind of salesperson YOU’D want to buy from.
BEGIN the kind of movement YOU’D want to be a part of.
CREATE the kind of group YOU’D want to join.
DELIVER the kind of value and service YOU’D want to receive.
DESIGN the kind of website YOU’D want to keep going back to.
GIVE the kind of speech YOU’D want to listen to.
PUBLISH the kind of blog YOU’D want to subscribe to.
SELL the kind of product YOU’D want to buy.
SPEAK to the kind of people YOU’D want to listen to.
START the kind of company YOU’D want to work for.
TEACH the kind of ideas YOU’D want to learn.
WRITE the kind of book YOU’D want to read.

– – –

You know, sometimes I wish it wasn’t called The Golden Rule.

Because that doesn’t really cover it.

See, I think we can only influence people in four ways:

1. Influence through 
 what we BELIEVE.
This has (minimal) influence. You could call it The Golden Rule.

2. Influence through 
 what we SAY.
This has (some) influence. You could call it The Golden Word.

3. Influence through 
 what we DO.
This has (significant) influence. You could call it The Golden Action.

4. Influence through 
 who we ARE.
This has (maximum) influence. You could call it The Golden Existence.

– – –

They all work.

So, whichever way you choose to influence people, just remember to keep some gold at the heart of it.

What’s your version of The Golden Rule?

Share a specific example of how you practice The Golden Rule here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

What’s YOUR approach?

Join The Nametag Forums! Share stories, best practices and connect with a like-minded community of business professionals who stick themselves out there!

Adventures in Nametagging: On Being Yourself

Hey, today is my 800th post! Sweet.

Thanks to Andy for the video.

When did someone challenge YOUR identity?

Share your experience here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

Need help figuring out how you roll?

If so, perhaps I could help on a more personal, one-on-one basis.

Rent Scott’s Brain today!

What do YOU differentiate through?

Maybe you differentiate through 
 your service.

By making it quick.
By making it unexpectedly responsive.
By making the mundane into memorable.

Like Nashville’s Hotel Preston, which, instead of just a bible, offers a choice of 10+ religious books to ANY guest who asks.


Maybe you differentiate through 
 your diagnosis.

By noticing new patterns.
By challenging people to reexamine their assumptions.
By seeing what others can’t see because they’re too close to it.

Like my friend Dr. Thomas, who believes ALL illnesses are stress-related.

True that.

Maybe you differentiate through 
 your questions.

By asking them at the right time.
By peppering them with the right words.
By asking the questions nobody’s ever been asked before.

Like my mentor Richard, who asks provocative questions like, “Now, was that what she SAID; or was that your INTERPRETATION of what she said?”


Maybe you differentiate through your answers.

By surprising people.
By always having more than one.
By offering counterintuitive responses that come out of left field.

Like Henry, the bellman I used to work with, who always answered the question, “How are you?” with “Everything is beautiful!”


Maybe you differentiate through 
 your philosophy.

By knowing it cold.
By writing on a little card and giving it everybody you meet.
By believing, saying, doing, and of course, BEING that philosophy daily.

Like my kindred spirits @ Brains on Fire, who refuses to label itself as a “Marketing,” “Branding” or “PR” company; but rather as an “Identity” company.

Hell yes.

What do you differentiate through?

For a list called “20 Types of Value You MUST Deliver,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll help you differentiate!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Who’s telling their friends about YOU?

Tune in to The Marketing Channel on!

Watch video lessons on spreading the word!

17 Behaviors to Avoid for Effective Listening

Growing bigger ears isn’t just about what you DO.

It’s also about what you DON’T DO.

1. Don’t react.
Respond coolly, objectively and non-judgmentally.

2. Don’t think.
Just perceive without interpreting or labeling.

3. Don’t perform.
Because some people view listening as a performance.

4. Don’t tell someone not to feel a certain way.
This cheats her out of having her feelings.

5. Don’t get bored.
Because that means you’re focusing on the wrong person â˜ș

6. Don’t take over.
Instead, take IN the other person.

7. Don’t tell.
Instead, ask. (But not too many questions!)

8. Don’t give advice.
Unless someone asks for it.

9. Don’t usurp ownership.
Let the other person give birth to their ideas and realizations.

10. Don’t inflict your agenda.
Because listening isn’t about you.

11. Don’t one-up.
It’s a form of conversational narcissism.

12. Don’t use the other person’s comments as prompts for your clever little jokes.
It’s annoying and clearly motivated by self-interested.

13. Don’t speak.
Just stop talking for a while. Seriously. Let the silence make space for the other person to just BE.

14. Don’t impose your own structure.
Let the speaker pace the conversation.

15. Don’t fix.
That isn’t your job, and people don’t like to be “fixed.”

16. Don’t take too many notes.
Or else it will look like you’re too busy to listen.

17. Don’t ask, “Why?”
That word creates defensiveness.

What others behaviors should effective listeners avoid?

For a list called “27 Affirmations to Prepare Yourself to Listen,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll help you grow bigger ears today!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

If they can’t come UP to you; how will they ever get BEHIND you?

Buy Scott’s new book and learn daily practices for becoming a more approachable manager!

Pick up your copy (or a case!) right here.

NametagTV: Killer Sales Questions

Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9!
Watch the original video on The Sales Channel here!

What’s your favorite question to ask customers?

Share it here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

What’s YOUR approach?

Join The Nametag Forums! Share stories, best practices and connect with a like-minded community of business professionals who stick themselves out there!

26 Secrets to Publishing a List Everybody Wants to Read, Download and Link To

1. Start off by giving yourself an idea quotient. The bigger the better.

2. Don’t think. Just write.

3. Find a really important item on your list and repeat it a few times. At first, people will think you made a mistake; but eventually they’ll get the point.

4. Make your title absurdly LOOOOOOOOOOOONG.

5. Make your title ridiculously generic.

6. Make your title totally hilarious.

7. Make your title completely unarguable (see the title of this list as an example)

8. REMEMBER: The more items you have on your list, the more often you can throw one random item in just for the hell of it. (Kind of like this!)

9. Make your list long, but make your sentences short.

10. Double-space your list if the sentences are long.

11. Single-space your list if the sentences are short.

12. In the title of your list, use unexpected numbers like 31, 87 and 62. It sounds cooler, more credible and more human. (As if all lists magically ended up with 50 items every time.) Bah!

13. Find a really important item on your list and repeat it a few times. At first, people will think you made a mistake; but eventually they’ll get the point.

14. Do a Consecutive Repeated Item with more emphasis on the second example.

15. Do a Consecutive Repeated Item with more emphasis on the second example. SERIOUSLY. I’m not going to say it again. Gosh!

16. Dance with language. Screw grammar, punctuation, “rules of writing” and all of that other 11th grade literary bullshit. It’s just a list, man. It ain’t gonna win a Pulitzer. Let it go.

17. Make yourself – as the writer – disappear. Write conversationally so readers forget that they’re reading.

18. Read lists written by some of the great list makers: Seth Godin, Tom Peters, Jeffrey Gitomer.

19. Don’t force it. No need to get the entire list done in one sitting. Add a few items here, a few items there. Save your unfinished lists in a folder and publish them when they feel ready.

20. Alphabetizing your lists has several advantages. First, it’s easy for readers to pace. Second, it leaves the distribution of list items up to chance, which, often times, comes out better. Thirdly, it makes those anal, OCD folks (like yours truly) quite happy.

21. Shorter sentences win. They get read. They get remembered. That’s it.

22. Links are a good idea, just not too many. A confused mind never buys.

23. Make your list an open loop. Encourage readers to add their thoughts, thereby expanding and enhancing your list. REMEMBER: Just because you post it on your blog, doesn’t mean it’s done. In fact, a good list is never done.

24. Find a really important item on your list and repeat it a few times. At first, people will think you made a mistake; but eventually they’ll get the point.

25. Although the number of items on your list is (usually) irrelevant, numbers like 99, 100 and 101 seem to work really well.

26. Spice it up. If your list item is rather long, use a bold, italicized, underlined or ALL CAPS subheading to make the architecture more digestible. See, your writing needs to B-R-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-A-T-H-E more. Like a Norah Jones vocal melody or a Tom Morello guitar solo.

Got it?

What are the characteristics of a killer list?

If you’d like (yet another) list called “43 Reasons to Organize Your Content with Lists,” you know the drill. Send an email to [email protected] and I’ll deliver the goodies.

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

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