4 Ways to Constructively Challenge Everyone You Meet

Challenged minds expand.
Challenged minds create lightbulbs.
Challenged minds mobilize resources.

AND HERE’S THE BEST PART: When you challenge people (constructively, that is) several cool things happen:

1. You gain clarity on their motives, intentions and beliefs.
2. They gain an opportunity to restate, reform and rethink their ideas.
3. Which catches their attention.
4. Which causes them to stop and think.
5. Which causes them to clarify their remarks.
6. Which causes the REAL motives and beliefs to surface.
7. Which causes you to better understand where they’re coming from.

Here’s a list of four practices to become more challenging TODAY…

1. Exhaust people’s limits. Try pushing them a little harder. And a little harder. And a little harder. Don’t kill ‘em, but challenge people to create new edges for themselves. As my yoga instructor says, “Stretch their bodies and minds and souls to a point where they’re not in pain; but where pain is definitely possible. Go to the doorway of pain, but don’t enter.” Whom are YOU stretching?

2. Practice negative thinking. Posing occasional questions underscored with doubt and skepticism is a healthy way to maintain objectivity and curiosity. What’s more, negative thinking – more specifically, negative questioning – is a protective measure. It’s challenging, counterintuitive and gives you permission to explore the downside. Human beings NEED to have (occasional) negative thoughts. Here are 22 ways to do so. Remember: Doubt protects us. Doubt gives us choices. Doubt is smart. Whose rationale are you willing to call out?

3. Train people’s eyes. Ever tried to show someone how to stare at a Magic Eye poster? You probably said something like, “Just relax your eyes, soften your gaze and don’t look at anything particular.” The same process goes for life. When you’re with someone, explain your thinking process out loud as you observe. Let them hear how you process your visuals. Explain your inner monologue. Let them hear how you ask yourself questions. All of these practices give people an insight into how you operate, which will challenge them to wonder about how THEY operate. Whose eyes are YOU training?

4. Tell people why. Never assume anyone knows your reasoning for doing anything. So, don’t DEFEND yourself; explain yourself. Make your motivations and intentions crystal clear. When you tell people why, they’re more likely to (1) believe you, (2) understand you, and (3) respond TO you. Are you constantly making people aware of your Why?

REMEMBER: Being a choirboy isn’t helping anyone. People need to be challenged.

How are you constructively challenging everyone you meet?

For the list called, “79 Questions Every Manager Needs to Ask,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

If they can’t come UP to you; how will they ever get BEHIND you?

Buy Scott’s new book and learn daily practices for becoming a more approachable manager!

Pick up your copy (or a case!) right here.

What to Say (and What NOT to Say) When Dealing with Highly Emotional People

Listening isn’t just about saying the right thing at the right time.

It’s also about NOT saying the WRONG thing at the WRONG time.

LESSON LEARNED: In highly emotional situations, be careful not to fall into the trap of rote responses.

They often come off as insincere and patronizing. And while you may THINK you’re listening, you’re actually doing more damage than if you had said nothing.

I call these rote responses “You’re Not Helping” Phrases.

Because that’s exactly what they do – detract from the effectiveness of your listening practice. And especially when you’re dealing with a person who’s upset, angry, suffering or highly emotional, you want to respond as authentically as possible.

Here are five categories of “You’re Not Helping” Phrases to avoid, along with suggestions of what TO say instead…

1. PLATITUDES: If it sounds like something you might see on a bumper sticker, church bulletin or on the Hallmark channel, don’t say it.

For example:

o All thing work together for the common good…
o God will take care of it.
o It will be all right.
o It’ll all work out.
o It’s probably for the best.
o It’s time to get on with your life.
o Just have faith.
o Look on the bright side…
o There are other fish in the sea.
o Things will get better.
o We all have bad days sometimes.
o You have to be patient.

INSTEAD, SAY: “That must be difficult,” or “Wow.”

2. MINIMIZERS: These phrases show you don’t comprehend the seriousness, enormity or respect the full emotions and efforts of the situation.

Avoid saying:

o Are you sure you’re trying hard enough?
o Everything will be OK.
o Get over it.
o It’s not that bad.
o Just forget it and move on.
o Just give it time.
o I’m sure your husband didn’t intentionally run over the cat with the lawn mower.
o Oh, cheer up!
o Snap out of it!
o Things could be worse.
o You’ll find someone else.
o You’re making too much of a fuss about this.

INSTEAD, SAY: “Well, then what’s next?” “You’re right,” and “You have a right to feel that way.”

3. EMPTY PROMISES: These phrases are non-specific and, therefore, non-meaningful.

Steer clear of saying:

o Call if you need me.
o I’ll be here…
o Let me know if I can help.
o Let’s have lunch sometime.
o We’ll have to get together sometime…

INSTEAD, SAY: “Let’s chat tomorrow afternoon on the phone,” “Would you like to have lunch next week?”

4. SHOULDS, ADVICE & CONVO-STEALERS: When people are emotional, they don’t want advice. They want someone to listen to them. They want someone to just BE there. What’s more, they don’t want you to steal the conversation.

Avoid saying:

o A friend of mine once…
o Dude, I am the SAME way…
o Have you tried…?
o Here’s what you should do…
o One time I…
o That reminds me of…
o That’s like when I was…
o That’s nothing! Let me tell you about…
o The same thing happened to me when…
o Yeah! Me too! It’s like that one time last year when MY dog…
o You should have known better.
o You shouldn’t feel that way.
o You shouldn’t have done that.

INSTEAD, SAY: Try suggesting nothing. Just listen. Remember, it’s not a performance.

5. FALSE EMPATHY: Certain phrases sound like nice things to say, but in actuality, they’re total lies.

Avoid these falsehoods:

o I know how you feel.
o I’m SO sorry.
o You look great!
o You know, I’ve been through the same thing.

INSTEAD, SAY: “Look, I have NO idea what you’re going through, but I’m still here for you,” and “You know, I might not be able to understand, but what I CAN do is listen.”

REMEMBER: When listening, the last thing you want someone to think is, “Yeah, you’re NOT helping.”

Watch your words. Regulate your rote responses. Steer clear of platitudes, minimizers, empty promises, shorthand listening techniques and false empathy.

And you WILL help.

Are you words helping or hindering this highly emotional situation?

For the list called, “17 Behaviors to Avoid for Effective Listening,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

Never the same speech twice.
Always about approachability.

Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!

NametagTV: Be That Guy

Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9.

Watch the original video on NametagTV!

How do your words demonstrate ownership?

For a list called, “26 Ways to Out Brand the Competition,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

The world’s FIRST two-in-one, flip-flop book!

Buy Scott’s comprehensive marketing guidebook on Amazon.com and learn how to GET noticed, GET remembered and GET business!

8 Excerpts from The Book That Will Change the World

As someone who reads five books a week, the following is going to sound like a bold statement:

I guarantee Chris Johnson’s new book, F#@% Therapy, is going to change the world.

I don’t think I’ve ever said that about a book before.

Read these eight keepers from my notes, and you’ll understand why…

1. What encroaches on your soul?

2. Once you stop wrapping your ego around unimportant work, you have options

3. To projectile vomit your bad experience onto everyone within your blast area exhibits the most vile of all human behaviors: assault on others’ happiness.

4. What kind of people does whining attract into your life? Do high caliber people whom you admire whine often?

5. There is no secret to wealth, except this: Do one thing better than anyone else. Be world class, then charge what youʼre worth. Leverage technology and creativity, and donʼt throw money at your problems. Save your money. Invest wisely in a diversified portfolio. Keep your wealth in a living trust. Mind your health, keep good faith, remembering money is a means, not an end, and wealth includes wisdom and peace.

6. Technology has made meetings irrelevant, and yet we still have them; thatʼs an embarrassment to our species.

7. Who among your cohorts sucks the energy out of every room he, or she, enters?

8. Have you given any soul-siphoning people too much claim over your time?

Wow. He’s not called Genuine Chris for nothing.

Buy F#@% Therapy here.

What book do you think is going to change the world?

For the list called, “194 Books in Scott’s Success Library,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

How many unsolicited referrals did YOU get this week?

Tune in to The Sales Channel on NametagTV.com!

Watch video lessons on enabling customers to buy!

“Stick Yourself Out There” featured in The Investors Business Daily!

Today must be media day!

Last month Sonja Carberry from The Investors Business Daily interviewed me about elevating visibility, approachability and of course, Obama.

Today the IBD printed her terrific article called Present a Real Presence in the Leaders & Success section. Lots of meaty, helpful suggestions about sticking yourself out there. Even a few quotes from the book! (shucks)

What’s your secret for presenting a real presence?

For the list called, “24 Ways to Out GROW Your Competition,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

The world’s FIRST two-in-one, flip-flop book!

Buy Scott’s comprehensive marketing guidebook on Amazon.com and learn how to GET noticed, GET remembered and GET business!

Watch Scott’s Interview on ABC-7 Chicago!

So, less than an hour ago, I went straight from the ABC studio to the Starbucks across the street and they’ve already got the footage online!

I heart technology.

We had a blast. Watch the clip here.

See ya at Bagels & Brainstorming at noon today!

How will you recession-proof your career?

For the list called, “24 Ways to Out GROW Your Competition,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

The world’s FIRST two-in-one, flip-flop book!

Buy Scott’s comprehensive marketing guidebook on Amazon.com and learn how to GET noticed, GET remembered and GET business!

How many referrals did you give this week?

My friend John Jantsch from Duct Tape Marketing is the brains behind Make a Referral Week.

This is an entrepreneurial approach to stimulating the small business economy … one referred business at a time.

The goal for this week has been to generate 1000 referred leads to 1000 deserving small businesses in an effort to highlight the impact of a simple action that could blossom into millions of dollars in new business.

Small business is the lifeblood and job-creating engine of the economy and merits the positive attention so often saved for corporate bailout stories.

Here’s what we want you to do…

1. How to make your referral official. Think about the referral(s) you are going to make. Make your referrals. Then visit the Make a Referral Week Referral Counter Page and tell us who you referred and why in the comments. Feel free to add URLs so others can learn about the business you referred. Also, take in all the great educational content all week.

2. How to listen to the experts! Did you miss the live web conference on Tuesday, March 10 featuring Bob Burg (author of The Go-Giver) Ivan Misner (founder of BNI) and Bill Cates (author of Get More Referrals Now)? This is the A-Team when it comes to teaching the strategies of referral. Listen here.

3. How to learn more. The Referral Week blog will be taken over by guest contributions and audio interviews with folks like Andy Sernovitz, Guy Kawasaki, Pam Slim, Rich Sloan, Anita Campbell, Yours Truly, Michael Port and Jill Konrath all focused on telling you how to generate more business by way of referral.

Speaking of referrals, here are my five for the week:

1. CIO Services: They do all my web stuff. Amazing service and quality.

2. Harlan B. Hodge: Taught me everything I know about video. Helped NametagTV become a reality.

3. Paul Krupin. PR Genius. Got me in the Investor’s Business Daily (today!) and other news outlets.

4. Jeff Braun. My book designer for six years. Coolest dude ever, fabulous eye for page architecture, made my new book GORGEOUS.

5. Richard Avdoian.Writer, speaker, business coach. Helped me get my life together. Top Ten Greatest People of All Time.

How many referrals did you give this week?

For the list called, “24 Ways to Out GROW Your Competition,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

The world’s FIRST two-in-one, flip-flop book!

Buy Scott’s comprehensive marketing guidebook on Amazon.com and learn how to GET noticed, GET remembered and GET business!

You can’t spell M-A-R-K-E-T-I-N-G without the word…

I heart anagrams.

I posted last year about anagramming the word “attraction.

Kind of a neat experiment. Came out pretty cool.

So, let’s do another one today:

You can’t spell M-A-R-K-E-T-I-N-G without the word…

Art. Because it IS an art. And a science. And a practice. All of the above. How many marketing books did you read this month?

Gent. Be kind and respectful. Just like a proper gentleman. Your marketing will never fail. (Unless your product is unremarkable and people hate it.) How are you currently disrespecting your customers?

Gnat. Don’t be annoying. Make music; not noise. Interact; don’t interrupt. Be the Gent that you are and stop “following up” so damn much. If they want you, they’ll hire you. Are you the constant buzz in your customer’s ear that’s driving them crazy?

Grant. Permission, that is. Permission to be your unique self and shout that from the rooftops. Best marketing advice I ever got. What part of your Personal Truth are you afraid to incorporate into your marketing plan?

Great. Which, if you think about it, isn’t that great. Sure, it’s better than Good. But even great only goes so far. You job is to be AWESOME. To literally fill people with awe. Is your marketing making people gasp?

Ink. If you’re not getting published in print, you’re in trouble. And by that I mean “your articles,” “articles ABOUT you,” and “articles QUOTING” you. Why don’t you have a media room on your website?

Irk. That’s what will happen if people keep hearing FROM you, and not ABOUT you. Whom are you annoying?

Kart. If you’re spelling the name of your products, services, or, God Forbid, your company name with a superfluous “K,” “Ph,” “Z,” I’m sorry, but your marketing sucks. Is Koffee Krazy REALLY the best name you could think of?

Kin. Your family, who loves you more than anyone, will constantly try to get you business. It will NEVER pan out. “A woman I met at the salon is going to call you,” your mother says. No, Mom, she’s not. She’s never going to call. She’s never going to hire me. She was just being nice because you were gushing about your son and she didn’t want to hurt your feelings. Thank you anyway. I still love you! How many leads in your pipeline are total wastes of time?

King. And another thing. If you have the word “King,” in your company name, you’re out of your mind. Why didn’t you hire Brains on Fire instead of having your fifteen year-old nephew, Caleb, create your brand identity?

Manger. That’s where the greatest marketer in the history of mankind was born. And all he did was listen, ask questions, love everybody, forgive everybody and serve according to his purpose. Whom are you imitating?

Met. As in, “meet.” How many people did you go out of your way to avoid last week?

Mink. It’s really, really expensive. And yet, people buy it. Hmm. Interesting. Are you undercharging?

Nag. This is how people will know you if your follow-up phone calls and emails don’t have any other purpose besides trying to close them. Whom are you nagging?

Trek. That means working your ass off. That means trudging through the snow. That means slugging it out and sticking yourself out there until everyone knows who you are. What time did you get up this morning?

How would you complete the sentence, “You can’t spell M-A-R-K-E-T-I-N-G without the word…”?

For the list called, “37 Words that Should NOT be in Your Company Name,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

The world’s FIRST two-in-one, flip-flop book!

Buy Scott’s comprehensive marketing guidebook on Amazon.com and learn how to GET noticed, GET remembered and GET business!

How much time do you spend on marketing each day?

In the (awesome) book Free Agent Nation, author Daniel Pink cites a 2001 survey conducted by The Washington Post that indicates the following:

“Self-employed businesspeople spend an average of 43 minutes a day marketing themselves.”

MY GUT REACTION: “43 minutes? Are you kidding me?”

That’s 8%.

Which leads to my next question:

“What are you doing for the other 437 minutes?

ANSWER: The wrong things.

As a self-employed businessperson, marketing is everything. Period. Bad economy or not.

The biggest mistake you could make is to tell yourself one of the following:

o “As soon as the summer hits, it’s marketing time!”
o “I really need to be doing some marketing this week…”
o “This month all my attention is focused on marketing!”
o “I’ll get around to doing some marketing when I get back in town.”


Marketing is something you do all day.

ALL day.

The challenge is to find a way to transform everything you do into some form of marketing.


Here are few examples:

1. Every email. Ask yourself:

o Does your signature promote anything?
o Does your “from” line reinforce your brand?
o Does your actual email address stimulate curiosity or interest?

2. Every blog post. Ask yourself:

o How many links did you include in your post?
o Was there a Call To Action or Response Mechanism at the end of it?
o Did you send the URL to all of the people you referenced or highlighted in the post?
o How many prospects, customers and colleagues did you personally invite to read your post because it was right up their alley?

3. Every phone call. Ask yourself:

o Was your greeting memorable, unexpected and consistent with your brand?
o Did you send the other person a copy of the notes you took during the conversation to reinforce your listening ability?
o When the operator asked, “May I ask who’s calling?” did you leverage your answer as a brand moment, or just state your name?”

4. Every conversation. Ask yourself:

o Did you give this person a copy of your Philosophy Card?
o What free sample or giveaway did you leave behind to leave your mark?
o Did you incorporate your Trademark Answering Style and ask questions that your competitors didn’t?

5. Every spare moment. Ask yourself.

o Did you read Seth Godin’ blog or watch a repeat of Law & Order?
o Did you hit the snooze button nine times or get up early and write your next blog post?
o Did you stand in line at the Post Office and complain about it or use that extra five minutes to post something inspiring on Twitter?

6. Every networking event. Ask yourself:

o Did you nail your Networking Intro?
o Did you create Points of Dissonance?
o Were you The Observer or The Observed?

7. Every new idea you have. Ask yourself:

o Did you write it down?
o Did you buy the domain name?
o Did you do initial market research by googling the hell out of it?

All day.

REMEMBER: People and companies who only do marketing “here and there,” will only get new business … here and there.

43 minutes?

For your sake, I sure hope it’s a lot more than that.

How much time do you spend on marketing each day?

For the list called, “46 Marketing Mistakes Your Company Is (Probably) Making,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

The world’s FIRST two-in-one, flip-flop book!

Buy Scott’s comprehensive marketing guidebook on Amazon.com and learn how to GET noticed, GET remembered and GET business!

How to Turn Vulnerability into Profitability

Wearing a nametag 24-7 for the past 3,000+ days has been great practice.

Practice being vulnerable, that is.

And as I continue to reflect on the past nine years of adhesive adventures, I’m slowly starting to realize the connection between vulnerability, approachability and profitability.

HERE’S THE REALITY: Sticking yourself out there is a risk.

And vulnerability is about being open.
Revealing your personhood to the world.
Submitting your ideas, thoughts and passions for all to see.
Surrendering your Truth – weaknesses and imperfections included – to the people around you.

Shakti Gawain beautifully defines this word in her book, Creating True Prosperity:

“Vulnerability means allowing yourself to be affected by the word around you.”

This, of course, is terrifying for many people.

Because you’re risking your truth. You’re risking being rejected. And you’re risking being stared at or talked about.


On the other hand, vulnerability DOES lead to profitability, when practiced wisely and consistently. In fact, there’s a sequence of three things that happen…

FIRST: The more often you stick yourself out there – that is, exert your distinctiveness – the more comfortable and confident you become with who you are.

THEN: When you’re comfortable and confident with who you are, your truthful self-expression inspires and gives other people permission to do (and BE) the same.

EVENTUALLY: When you and the people in your life stop bullshitting each other – and start realizing that it’s OK to be vulnerable – the rules change.

We begin to listen to each other from a truer place. We start to share with each other from a stronger place. We now communicate with each other from a more genuine place.

As a result, employees will listen TO you, and customers will buy FROM you.

Sounds like profit to me!

What about you? Are you ready to reclaim your right to be vulnerable – and LEAD with it?

Cool. Let’s learn how.

In his classic discourse on self-disclosure, The Transparent Self, Sidney Jourard hits the topic of vulnerability pretty hard. I read this book in college, only two years into my nametagging adventures. And I’ll always remember it as one of the first books that taught me what it meant to be approachable.

First, we’ll explore a sample of his research findings. Then I’ll tell you how to translate those lessons into action items you can execute TODAY to turn vulnerability into profitability:

1. “When a man discloses his experience to another, fully, spontaneously, and honestly, the mystery that he was decreases enormously.”

LESSON: Being vulnerable educates others about who you are.

QUESTION: How well do your customers know YOU?

ACTION: Fully integrate your humanity into your profession. Five ways to do so here.

2. “I display my love by letting him know me.”

LESSON: Being vulnerable is a gift that you give to others.

QUESTION: How, specifically, are you giving the gift of YOU?

ACTION: Ask PFQ’s (Passion Finding Questions.) I posted a list of them here.

3. “Disclosure of the truth of one’s being is often penalized. When you permit yourself to be known, you expose yourself not only to a lover’s balm, but also to a hater’s bombs.”

LESSON: Being vulnerable means being open to the fact that not everyone will like you.

QUESTION: Are you willing to let go of the need to be liked by everybody?

ACTION: Learn who (not) to listen to. Consider tuning out these 100 types of people.

4. “No man can come to know himself except as a outcome of disclosing himself to another person. But, when a person has been able to disclose himself utterly, he learns how to increase his contact with his real self, and he may then be better able to direct his destiny on the basis of knowledge.”

LESSON: Being vulnerable is a great way to get to know who you really are.

QUESTION: What have you learned about yourself by virtue of sharing yourself?

ACTION: Start blogging today. Shatter your excuses for not blogging here.

– – –

REMEMBER: Sticking yourself out there – that is, being vulnerable – is a risk.

You’re risking your truth.
You’re risking standing out.
You’re risking being rejected.

What’s more, vulnerability requires confidence in yourself, implies security in yourself and suggests openness to others.

So, let us not forget the wise words of the great writer, Henry James:

“To be opened to risk is to risk being shattered. But without that shattering there is no glory.”

Damn skippy.

So, contrary to popular conditioning, vulnerability IS strength. And we live a lie when we misrepresent the reality of our experience or the truth of our being.

I challenge you to open the door to your Truth. To risk feeling what you feel. To come out of the closet.

It makes you more relatable. It makes you more approachable. And ultimately, it makes you more profitable.

And you don’t even need to wear a nametag everyday.

What are you using your vulnerability for?

For the list called, “24 Daily Practices for Turning Vulnerability into Profitability,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

Who’s quoting YOU?

Check out Scott’s Online Quotation Database for a bite-sized education on success!


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