I had the opportunity to share the stage with three excellent St. Louis authors yesterday. Fellow panelists included Harry Samuels, Art Shamsky and Leslie Savan.
Once the speech was over, we moved into the bookstore for a signing. And as usual, every person that approached me asked the same question most people pose after hearing me speak:
Scott, HOW old are you again?
You know, it’s funny. After nearly 100 speeches in the past three years, I’ve never NOT been asked this question by an audience member. (By the way, I’m 25.) And it used to be intimidating because most of my audience members were at least 10-15 years my senior.
But I’ll never forget July 26th, 2005. I was watching the sunrise in the middle of the Swiss Alps at 5:00 AM, four hours prior to my annual workshop at JLU’s Youth Leadership University in Leysin, Switzerland. I was reading Positive Thinking Every Day by Norman Vincent Peale. And the passage for the day was this: “It’s not how many years you’ve been around; it’s what you’ve accomplished during those years that really matters.”
How do you deal with age differences in your job?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag