Although our eyes grow accustomed to the dark, every incident can still be brought into its proper light.
No matter what catastrophe befalls us, there are always questions that we can pose to improve our overall internal experience.
How could you take a broader view here?
Are you considering the immediate condition in light of your whole journey?
What if you assessed your experience proportionally within the realm of your whole existence?
Reflections like this are what psychologists call the optimistic explanatory style, meaning, we tell ourselves that what happened is not personal, not permanent and not pervasive.
Indeed, this experience may suck donkey balls in the moment, and we have every right to be upset, but we don’t have to stay in the dark forever. We can turn the lights on and discover just how much peace and perspective is ours for the taking.
This gives me a few ideas for new apps.
The first one is for single people. Because dating involves a ton of rejection, which makes people doubt whether they are truly lovable, so they get fed up and quit. There must be some way to help people’s hearts not give up.
Buoy is an app that syncs with your dating calendar and sends you real time positive affirmations to keep you afloat along the journey of love. Before you start getting dressed to impress some clown across town, we’ll remind you that no matter what the magazines say, you are enough.
The other app is for business professionals. Because it’s hard to motivate yourself on the job, and sometimes you need it at the perfect time from an impartial third party.
Pepp is a text message app that sends you personalized words of encouragement at scheduled times before key meetings. Never let the burden of bad attitudes weigh you down again. With only a few words, you too can fake having a soul.
Both of these innovations deserve millions of dollars in seed investments. They’re useful ways to reinforce our optimistic explanatory style, lending us perspective in the moments where we need it most.
Remember, darkness may find us, but we don’t have to follow it.
Learn how to tell yourself a story about peace and perspective.
If you drive people crazy with your relentless optimism, but it all works out for you, then what’s the problem?