Ideas are free, execution is priceless.

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Fretting and stewing in our own neurotic juices
Buddhists teach a concept called the second arrow. It’s when a person encounters something that leads to pain, and then launches into a whole chorus of mental processes that lead to more suffering, often adding more pain than was there originally. The first arrow is our reality, like tripping over a crack in the sidewalk and face planting into dog poop. The second arrow is the sense of unworthiness…
How could you introduce more awareness?
Everyone seems to want to work faster, stronger, smarter, better and cheaper. But is that actually what drives optimal performance? Even if it does, do we really need yet another superlative to elevate our pulses and spike our blood pressure into the red zone? Doubt it. In my experience, the force multiplier of human potential is not any of those things. What has far more power is the practice…
How could you become the source of time?
One of my coworkers was a chronic kick the can down the road personality. She would consistently cancel and postpone our meetings. Three or four weeks in a row. Every time we were due for a check in on our latest project, her excuse was that she just needed got a better handle on things and get some projects off of her plate so she could prevent projects from…
How can you give yourself more strength than you naturally have?
Here’s a simple trivia question. How do you open the lid of a paint can? Simple. Grab a screwdriver. Place the flat edge between the lip of the lid and the lip of the can. Once the screwdriver is in its place, carefully push down the handle, and the force you exert will eliminate the air tight seal. Next, move to another part of the lid and wedge the…
How could we play an infinite game?
Playing trivia doesn’t require someone to have a ton of specific knowledge on sports, history, music and politics, although that certainly helps. What makes a strong player is their ability to engage in divergent thinking, which is thought process by which you explore many different solutions to a potential problem. You give an enthusiastic yes to all answers from all team members at the onset, build a bank of…