Ideas are free, execution is priceless.
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Liberated by one or zero
Here is a short quiz to gauge what your relationship with temptation is. *Do you have trouble stopping something once you’ve started? *Is it easier for you to give something up altogether than to indulge moderately? *Do you feel peace and gratitude at the thought of never having to get or do something? *Do you loathe spending your precious energy justifying why you should go ahead and indulge? If…
Tell me more about what you want
Siri, the virtual assistant that answers questions, makes recommendations, and performs internet enabled actions, knows how to read your mind. If you tell her you have a headache, she’ll respond by saying that she’s found three drugstores not far from you, where you can buy aspirin. Actually, my favorite conspiracy theory claims the assistant will intentionally select drug stores that are a few miles down the road, knowing that…
What’s the synonym for your name?
My former coworker was telling me about his biggest irrational fear. He said that he always had terrible anxiety about not remembering people’s names. Whether he was the new student at school, the new player on a sports team, or the new employee at the company, his fear of offending others by not getting their names right struck deep. Fortunately, he told me, on his first day of work…
Black & White & Dead All Over (2023) Full Movie
After spending a year writing and performing my latest batch of songs, my wife and I spent two weeks in the Utah desert in the literal old west, filming black and white footage to bring my dark and angry sentiments to life. My forthcoming movie has no characters, no plot, no script, no sound, and no narrative arcs. Just music, words, and landscape. Full film below, and soundtrack available…
What continuum might put your feelings into perspective?
Imagine your boss hounds you for months to stay on top of a new project. That workload consumes a nice chunk of your time and attention, causing you additional stress that normal. Then, in the eleventh hour, right before you’re about to ship something out the door, your boss suddenly decides that project is no longer a priority. Look, thanks for all the awesome work you’ve done so far,…