Ideas are free, execution is priceless.

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Bring talent to the table that’s transferable everywhere you go
In concentration camps, certain prisoners were selected by their captors to hold more advantaged positions within the population of the camp. Since these people possessed creative, linguistic or industrial skills, the guards viewed them as valuable assets. They gave them access to material benefits beyond those available to others, like warmer clothes, better shelter and more food. My friend wrote and directed a documentary about this very phenomenon. The…
Create a positive trajectory of entrepreneurial functioning
Did you know that resilience was somebody’s job? I stumbled upon a fascinating study in the international journal of management about the construct of organizational resilience. In the last few decades, this phenomenon has gained new momentum in academic literature, mainstream media and business publications. Numerous researchers revealed that companies, institutions and other entitles can survive and thrive amidst adversity or turbulence. As long as there are dedicated team…
The mental equivalent of a taffy pulling machine
People can spend an inordinate amount time worrying about, analyzing, and trying to understand or clarify particular thoughts and themes. They’ll engage in this exhausting a repetitive negative thought process that loops continuously in their mind without end or completion. As if replaying a certain scenario enough times could somehow change its outcome. Like the single woman who keeps reading the same text message over and over again, searching…
Questioning everything all of the time is exhausting and dumb
Innovation hinges on the ability to ask one crucial question. What if? It’s the fundamental thought experiment that challenges assumptions, explores possibilities and drives human imagination. Take a glance at your surroundings right now, and you’ll seen hundreds of objects that only exist because somebody somewhere asked the question, what if. As an example, on desk at this very moment is a bottle of sparkling water. But it’s not…
The variable is the rest of the world
A social experiment is a type of research. In fields like psychology and sociology, scientists are seeing how people behave in certain situations and respond to particular policies or programs. They divide individuals into two groups. Active participants, those who take action in an event, and respondents, those who react to the action, often who are unaware they’re part of the experiment. The goal, of course, is to monitor…