I am just like anyone, in that I love the familiar smell of my own bullshit.
That smell has adaptive value, insofar as it protects my esteem, prevents negative consequences of adverse events, and helps in deceiving others.
Reminds me of my friend, who is a highly respected and successful physician. His favorite mantra to share with patients, specifically those who insist on doing their own research, so to say, look I’m the doctor here, so leave the googling to me.
This is the kind of relationship we all must develop with their own limitations. Starting with me. Below are three mantras and strategies I plan to use to do so.
First, I acknowledge that expertise requires continuous effort and growth. I remain open to new and unlikely sources of insight.
For example, if I find a story or a piece of media that is interesting, inspiring or thought provoking, then its source is irrelevant. Who cares which special interest group or political organization is behind it? I am an equal opportunity inhaler. If it enhances my growth, it did its job.
The second mantra is, I understand that true intelligence involves recognizing what I don’t know.
This means I must remain committed to the practice of curiosity over the protection of my ego. Not an easy ask, but it’s not so bad once you get in the habit of it.
For example, if I am having a conversation with someone who is substantially older, wiser and more experienced than me, then my radar is up, not down. I don’t immediately tune out such individuals, solely because they’re old and I’m not.
Their ideas and views might appear strange or silly at first blush, but that’s only because I haven’t adjusted for the rate of age inflation. Once I take into account the delta between their age and mine, and their brain and mine, I realize, they probably make a good point that I might not yet be able to understand.
And mantra number three, I delight in pushing my boundaries and discovering new levels of strength and capability.
Because history has proven time and time again that we’re all capable of achieving far more than we can imagine. Oftentimes, it’s simply a matter of a willingness to surprise ourselves.
For example, when I’m assigned a project at work that’s outside of my wheelhouse and skillset, I try to crowd out my thoughts of fear and dread with excitement. I remind myself that whenever I’m challenged with a task like this, it almost always unveils some hidden talent or ability.
Let’s go see what greatness awaits me this time. That reframe gives me energy to do things enthusiastically I would ordinarily run from.
Keep in mind, none of these mantras or examples will shift my life on day one. Or even day one hundred. But I trust the growth process to be worthwhile, even if the results are not immediate or visible. Holding the intention to learn is enough to carry me through.
Who knows? Maybe somebody who has been reading my books for the past decade will have a similar realization.
Maybe that person will be you. Maybe while reading this very essay, you might have the following thought.
Scott has completely gone off the rails with his bloated, absurd, thousand page daily meditation books. I never realized it until this very moment, but all of his nametag inspired writing no longer resonates with my own journey. He’s a maniac who blew it all up. God damn him to hell.
Let me be the first to say, good for you. Peace out.
Let forgiveness and humility push you forward, and see what greatness awaits you on the other side.
Who are you just done with?