Tonight I’ll be hosting a teleseminar on SpeakerNet News. Here’s what it’s all about…
How to Build Your OWN Online Video Platform.
YouTube is for losers! Video isn’t the future — it’s the PRESENT!
Unfortunately, because video is so ubiquitous and easy to do, the bar has been raised. And the concept of ‘some guy in a room holding a camera,’ isn’t going to cut it anymore. You need to build your OWN video platform!
Entrepreneurs MUST know how to leverage video to their advantage, not only to promote your business online, but for downloadable and hard-copy products.
In this program, you will learn how to:
* Leverage cultural trends, barriers and phenomena that stand in your way of boosting your fan base through online video
* Get started without knowing what the hell you’re doing
* Master the timeline of video first impressions so your viewers don’t tune you out
* Find resources available to make the video learning curve non-existent
* Use a multitude of channels to promote your online videos
* Create online learning communities, message boards and other fan-building resources
* Use the most important question in entrepreneurship for your video platform
To register, click here.
See ya tonight!
How are you leveraging video for your business?
For a copy of my list called, “33 Things I’ve Learned about Creating Your Own Online Video Platform”, send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]
Who’s telling their friends about YOU?
Tune in to The Marketing Channel on NametagTV.com!
Watch video lessons on spreading the word!
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