This guy at my old office was a total pain in the ass.
All he did was complain. And not in that productive startup way, where people channel their frustrations into doing innovative work that solves problems and creates real value in the world.
He just bitched. About every little thing. Each new gripe added another drop of swampy backwater of unproductive energy.
Reminds me of the morning we came into the office and there was a email from him to waiting in all of our inboxes.
Not sure who the last one out was last night, but just got here and the office was unlocked or whatever.
Wow, thanks for passive aggressively pointing out a problem, not describing it appropriately, sharing none of your feelings, shirking any shred of responsibility, making no helpful solutions and distracting the maximum number of people possible. You deserve a promotion.
Carlin’s angry words come to mind, these unfortunate pack of mutants ought to be penciled in for a sudden visit from the angel of death.
However, instead of complaining about the complainers, here are two advertisements for my ideas to help solve my own problem.
Every day at the office, you want to punch or break something, but you don’t want to lose your job or hurt somebody.
Ragecage, is a carpentry service that builds a safe space in corporate offices so frustrated and angry employees have a cathartic place to process their anger instead of lashing out against coworkers. Rally your inner animal today.
Here’s the next one.
Anger is an acceptable emotion and we shouldn’t feel guilty about hating certain people. We just need a safe way to express those feelings.
Yaytred is an anonymous confession app for people to healthfully rage about those in their lives that they irrationally hate. Blow off some steam without resorting to physical violence or passive aggression. Burning the fuel of anger cleanly.
See how easy that is?
At least my complaints are channeled into useful ideas.
Sure beats sitting around bitching about every little thing.
Are you complaining about what isn’t here that you want, or taking steps to create something that is?