Seinfeld was once asked how he felt about death.
His response was:
Dying is going to be fantastic! Think of all things you’re done with.
What a beautiful, liberating concept. Because is there any sweeter sensation than being done with things? It’s the best.
You just feel so light and free and complete.
Note, for my usage of the word done, it’s not the classic definition of finishing something finite, like being done with your sandwich or being done with your assignment at work.
No, this is about being done with something in the sense of, you’ve let go. You’ve surrendered. You’re no longer interested in something.
And the best part is, you’re not feeling any pressure, guilt, fear or need to put forth any further effort.
Like being done with staying at concerts until the very last song. Or being done with walking fast just to keep up with pedestrian traffic. Or being done reading, watching or listening to any form of the news. Or being done with killing yourself during workouts. Or being done trying to make strangers love you.
It’s just over.
Doesn’t it feel glorious? Like exhaling a long held breath when that happens?
The irony is, despite the quotation from the zen master of comedy, you’re not dead, you quite alive.
And that’s the bliss of letting go. It’s an act of mercy toward ourselves.
Hawkins wrote an inspiring book about letting go. His research found that surrender was the surest route to total fulfillment. When people learned to utilize the mechanism of surrender instead of the mechanism of effort, they were significantly less prone to stress.
Imagine how much fun and joy is waiting for you on the other side of letting go.
What are you done with?