My favorite Jack Johnson lyric is, “Love is the answer to most of the questions in my heart.”
I have a similar philosophy for business.
“Writing is the answer.”
Or, as Kevin Costner would say, “If you write it, they will come.”
After all, writing is the basis of all wealth.
And because I vehemently believe (and practice) this philosophy, my default answer for just about everything is “writing.”
“If writing isn’t the answer, you’re asking the wrong question,” I like to say.
A few examples:
1. “How can I get the media to come to ME for interviews and expert opinions?”
Writing is the answer.
HERE’S HOW: Blog every single day. Write meaty, list-based posts on your specific niche topic. Use pictures. Have fun. Share link love. Encourage comments and community. Customize your template. Discover your authentic writing voice through daily practice. Repeat for 6-12 months.
And the media will come.
2. “How can I meet the right person?”
Writing is the answer.
HERE’S HOW: Make a list of every person you’ve ever dated. Think back to what you liked (and didn’t like) about each one. Soon, you’ll notice trends. Then identify 5-7 bullet points for your IDEAL partner.
That way, you’ll know exactly what to look for when he or she crosses your path. And as you begin to focus your mind on specific type of person, you will start to attract that person.
And the right person will come.
3. “How can I come up with more creative ideas?”
Writing is the answer.
HERE’S HOW: First thing in the morning (even before checking email) open a blank document. Spew out every single thought and/or idea that’s running through your mind. DO NOT stop writing until you’ve filled up three pages.
This form of meditation will help you listen to yourself in a non-judgmental, safe setting. You will “get your creative shanks out,” which will allow the flow of your best, most creative thoughts.
And the ideas will come.
4. “How can I discover what my unique brand is?”
Writing is the answer.
HERE’S HOW: Grab some paper and answer the following questions:
o What are you recognized as being the best at? The first at?
o Finish this sentence: “I’m only person you’ll ever meet who ______.”
o If you didn’t have to work, what would you do all day?
o If you were the last person alive, what three things would you (still) do every day?
o If someone was going to pay you $5000 an hour, what are the questions they’d have to ask you to get their money’s worth?
o If you asked three of your closest friends to describe you in one word, what would they say?
o If you only had two hours a day to work, what would you do?
Once you get all the answers, your area of differentiation will reveal itself.
And your brand will come.
5. “How can I find time to write my book?
Writing is the answer.
HERE’S HOW: Challenge yourself to simply write for 15 minutes a day. Pick a variety of topics that are within your scope of expertise. Then, each day write “modules.” Not blog posts. Not articles. Modules. Uncategorized chunks of creative material.
After six months, go back to your body of work. (That’s a total of 1,800 minutes or 30 hours of solid writing!) Then, lay each of your module ideas out on the floor on individual note cards. Look for patterns. Organize them into 5-7 categories, or piles. Then, put them into a logical order.
And your book will come.
6. “How can I get more web traffic?”
Writing is the answer.
HERE’S HOW: Take all of your blog posts, ezines, articles and modules and upload them onto Start your own profile as an Expert Author. Then, at the end of each article, include your bio and a special offer (a free ebook or 15 minute consultation, for example) in the resource box.
And your traffic will come.
7. “How can I increase my luck?”
Writing is the answer.
HERE’S HOW: Make a list of 101 Goals. Figure out exactly what you 1) Want to have, 2) Want to accomplish, and 3) Want to become. Out of that entire list, choose two major goals (one personal and one professional.)
Write those two goals down on sticky notes, whiteboards, index cards or any other form of visual reminder. Keep them in front of your face at all times. This will create a laser-like focus. Which will create a force of attraction.
And your luck will come.
8. “How can I get customers to call ME?”
Writing is the answer.
HERE’S HOW: Publish a regular ezine. Keep it short; keep it fun. Deliver unique value and don’t self-promote too much. Offer content-driven, practical expertise in the form of articles, lists and blog posts. Help your readers build their businesses and better their lives.
Then, as your subscription base (aka, your Permission Asset) grows, you will increase customer mindshare. This will shorten your sales cycle, lower customer acquisition costs and decrease your overall marketing expenses.
And the customers will come.
– – – –
As you can see, writing (truly) is the basis of all wealth.
THEREFORE: If you write it, they will come.
“They” meaning ideas.
“They” meaning the media.
“They” meaning web traffic.
“They” meaning opportunities.
“They” meaning new customers.
“They” meaning solutions to your problems.
What did YOU write today?
For the list called, “9 Things Every Writer Needs to Do Every Day,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]
No time to write?
Can’t finish that book?
Dog ate your last article?
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