Consider this frequently quoted scripture:
Labor not for the meat which perishes, but for the bread which endures to everlasting life.
Religious disciples interpret this passage as a reminder that this world is only given to us to prepare for the hereafter. That all our longings for the meat, all our ambitions for that which is so vapid and unproductive, hold not a candle to the glory that awaits us in the next life.
Even if, for fleeting moment, we hold this treasure in the palms of our hands, it will still disappear faster than a fart in the wind.
My interpretation of this scripture is one that is much more agnostic, practical and artistic.
Because in my experience, when we labor not for the meat which perishes, it means that we choose not to spend our days hunting down the one big prize that will finally free us.
It means that we finally let go of our addiction and attachment to results, and surrender to the joy of the process itself.
To me, that’s the bread which endures to everlasting life. The bread which never grows stale, has no expiration date and contains all the nourishment we could ever hope for.
Camus famously wrote that some people work in their time without hope of true reward, while others work courageously for their own personal eternity.
If you find yourself in the latter category, I would invite you to consider that you have made the wrong existential investment.
There are more meaningful pursuits than making sure people know your name, recognize your uniqueness and praise your greatness.
Are you still laboring for the meat which perishes?
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
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