Creativity Isn’t About What We Create

I’ve been playing, composing and performing original music since I was twelve.

And yet, despite natural talent, despite evolving confidence, despite explosive creativity and despite flowing support, it wasn’t until last week that I finally found the courage to release my music publicly.

That’s twenty years.

Twenty years of winking in the dark. Twenty years of being selfish with my art. Twenty years of dodging any form of feedback, believing that the theater of the mind is better. Twenty years of hiding my history behind a vault, keeping my feelings to myself, singing in corner, hoping to God nobody would walk in on me.

Until I couldn’t take it any more. I realized that had I lost touch with a part of myself. A part that was too essential to my makeup to ignore. A part that had a voice that couldn’t go unheard.

By not sharing my music, it didn’t really exist. By refusing to make my pain public, the scars could never fully heal. By not giving myself permission to express that side of my heart, there would always be a part of me that was still hiding from the world.

So I finally got over myself and shipped.

I released four different albums, recorded at four different stages of my life.

I took a stab into the unknown, threw myself blindly into the impossible and braved the gaze of the whole world, with teeth poised to bite into the fruits of my courage.

And it paid off instantly.

Not because people noticed. Not because fans downloaded. Not because I plan to go on forty city tour. But because the moment I saw those songs live, naked to the world in all their imperfect splendor, there was a piece of me, a piece that waited in the wings patiently for twenty years, that finally exhaled.

Creativity isn’t about what we create.

It’s about who we become by sharing what we create.

We did not come here to bury our music. And if we get our strength from hiding it from the world, nobody is every going to hear it.

Save the shovels for the gravedggers.

What art are you hiding from the world?

For the list called, “31 Questions to Test Your Listening Skills,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Writing, Publishing, Performing, Consulting
[email protected]

Never the same speech twice.

Now booking for 2012!

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Author. Speaker. Strategist. Songwriter. Filmmaker. Inventor. Gameshow Host. World Record Holder. I also wear a nametag 24-7. Even to bed.
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