The first time I hired a virtual assistant to help me with various administrative tasks, I had an epiphany. Oh my god, I said to myself. Thanks to this new person, I never have to worry about doing any of those time wasting, soul sucking, stress inducing activities ever again. Glory hallelujah.
That’s a pivotal moment for any entrepreneur. Letting go of the parts of the process that don’t need your personal touch, outsourcing the mundane to somebody who would be delighted to do it, and freeing yourself to focus on income generating activities.
More importantly, once you find the people who can help you become what you need to be, once you start hiring others to amplify what you do, you earn the right to ask yourself leverage questions.
Now that I have this person, what else does this make possible?
Now that I have this person, what do I have the ability to create?
Now that I have this person, what other projects can be executed smarter, faster and cheaper than before?
Now that I have this person, what creative power, that was previously unavailable to me, do I now possess in spades?
These questions become a strategic framework for increasing the rate of return on your assets. They force you explore the premiers of possibility, like baseball manager who just picked up a star left handed closer right before the postseason.
The question is whether or not you will take that team to the championship.
LET ME ASK YA THIS…Whom can you hire to help amplify what you do?
For a copy of the list called, “20 Ways to Make Customers Feel Comfortable,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
“Scott Ginsberg’s employee training on approachability was the absolute perfect fit, and completely exceeded everyone’s expectations, including mine. The feedback we received from our team was that this was hands down the best training they have ever been to. Scott found out what was important to us and gave us several options for training solutions. I would highly recommend him for a variety of industries, and I would happily work with him again!” –Anne Conway, PHR | Corporate Director of Training and Development, | Lodging Hospitality Management
Email to inquire about fees and availability. Watch clips of The Nametag Guy in action here!