Campbell said that along our hero’s journey, each of us must give up the life we planned in order to have the life that is waiting for us.
This is a romantic and inspiring notion, but it’s also a daunting and difficult task.
Ask anyone who went to an out of state college. There’s a part of us that knows staying at home, while cheaper and painless and in the short term, ultimately requires more sacrifices than leaving.
Euryphaessa explores this in her memoir of unintentional pilgrimage, something she called running into herself. She believes that leaving home constellates an initiation, a separation from the norm, a break in the routine. Like it or not, we are being carried along on an initiatory tide. We either ride it out, or thrash against the situation and drown.
Indeed, we must flee the nest and take ourselves out to our own flight. Not to demonize our roots either. Just because we move across the country doesn’t mean our native soil was some cold, fallow atmosphere in which we would have shriveled and grown small.
We always praise and grieve the land in which we sprouted.
But we also dream to plunge our hands into new earth and adopt a higher set of values around which to build the next chapter of our ever evolving lives.
To create a home, whatever and wherever it might be, as a specifically nurturing habitat for the needs of your unique organism.
Are you ready to reach for the next way station on your journey?
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
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