HELLO, my name is Rob the Supermarket Gorilla
THE QUESTION “How would customers and employees of a supermarket react to a gorilla shopping for gorceries?” ABSTRACT December 10, 2004. 9:36 PM. St. Louis, Missouri. Schnuck’s Grocery Store. Rob dresses up as a gorilla. Matt leads him around the store. Scott documents the experiment. HYPOTHESIS One or any combination of the following things would happen: The gorilla would get arrested The manger would throw us out of the…
Approaching the bench
I read this brief from Jeff Brown: “Many attorney bloggers blog on matters outside the law, such as movies, current events, and politics. These non-legal tangents provide interesting diversions and tend to humanize the attorney, which makes him or her more approachable by potential clients. Ernest Svenson’s Ernie the Attorney blog is one of the most popular attorney blogs.” LET ME ASK YA THIS… How could you become more…
Talking to strangers
The fear of talking to strangers is among the most common social phobias – but is this fear perpetuated by inaccurate media coverage? LET ME ASK YA THIS… What is your biggest social fear? * * * * Scott Ginsberg Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag
No empty seats? I’m outta here…
(Cartoon by Hey Doodle Doodle Studios) I attended one of my association meetings last night. At the end of the evening, the president asked, “Are there any new membersin the audience tonight we haven’t recognized?” A woman in the back said, “Well, some guy named Jim walked in the room at the beginning of the meeting, but he couldn’t find an empty seat – so he left.” A silence…
In mid 2003, I received a letter from Wake Forest University from a man by the name of Eben Alexander, Jr. MD. (R.I.P. 2004) He heard about my front porch philosophy on an interview I did with CNN, and wanted to send his regards. Dr. Alexander also informed me about an association called “S.E.W.E.R.S.,” which stands for “The Society for Encouraging the Wearing of Emblems on the Right Hand…
Break the silence
Are people afraid to speak up – especially at work? Scientifically, humans are afraid to do so because of a fear of being judged/rejected. Jevon has a great post on this called Break the Silence. LET ME ASK YA THIS… Why do you think people are afraid to speak up at work? * * * * Scott Ginsberg Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag
The Journal of Mundane Behavior
The Journal of Mundane Behavior, co-hosted by the Department of Sociology/Anthropology at Millersville University and the Department of Sociology and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at California State University, Fullerton, is a blind peer-reviewed scholarly and publicly-oriented journal devoted to the study of the “unmarked” — those aspects of our everyday lives that typically go unnoticed by us, both as academics and as everyday individuals. If you’ve…
Hey…what’s your name again?
Here’s a great article from the American Psychological Association about effective ways to remember names. Also, Fast Company posted a great blog on the same subject. LET ME ASK YA THIS… What’s your most embarrassing name-forgetting story? * * * * Scott Ginsberg Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag
Have you ever IM’ed your roomate?
Are we so dependent on technology that we forget how to communicate face to face? Check out this video short from Picture Show Films – it’s absolutely brilliant. LET ME ASK YA THIS… What medium do you use the MOST to communicate interpersonally? * * * * Scott Ginsberg Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag
Electronic Nametags
nTAG Interactive, LLC was started by Rick Borovoy and George Eberstadt. By using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and “wearable technology,” attendees of trade shows, conventions and meetings can connect with each other through the use of electronic nametags. GREAT idea. But isn’t it ironic that the goal of stimulating social networking and face to face interaction is accomplished through a computer? LET ME ASK YA THIS… What are your…