3 Ways to Make Your Fear of Writing Melt Away Like a August Creamsicle
1,400. That’s how many pages are in War & Peace. Making it one of the longest novels in the history of literature. This little piece of trivia isn’t exactly obscure. Anyone with access to Google, Amazon or Wikipedia could figure that out in about seven seconds. But what you might NOT have discovered in your Internet search about author Leo Tolstoy is that during the time it took him…
Attributes of Approachable Leaders, Pt. 3
Past Posts ATTRIBUTE #1: Have conversations that change people. ATTRIBUTE #2: Meet people where they are. Today’s Post ATTRIBUTE #3: Vortex people in. My high school English teacher, mentor and close friend, William Jenkins, is the consummate example of this attribute. He’s the kind of guy whose presence you value SO much, that when you’re with him, simply “absorbing who he is” is enough. Whether you’ve taken his class…
6 Ways to Make Your Writing More Relevant, Persuasive, Memorable and Creative
FACT: If you’re a writer and you’re using Oprah as an example of “effective personal branding,” you’re not a very creative writer. Nobody can relate to Oprah. In the history of the world, nobody ever has, nor ever will, be able to relate to Oprah. I don’t care how “regular” she claims to be on her show. She simply has too much money, too much power and too many…
The ONE Question Every Entrepreneur Must Ask
What did you used to build as a kid? Lego houses? Popsicle stick sculptures? Bunk-bed spaceships? In my family, we built forts. Give us a few blankets, a couple of chairs and an afternoon to kill, and my brother and I were SET. Structurally, they didn’t always work out the way we planned. Apparently stacking seven bar stools upside down on top of a porcelain elephant lacked the architectural…
How To Structure Your Day So You Become Unstoppable
If you want to learn a LOT about someone quickly, just ask that person to take you through her daily routine. Nothing is more revealing. GREAT EXAMPLE: During a recent coaching call, my client explained that her biggest challenge as an entrepreneur was translating her overflowing passion, energy and ideas into tangible things. In short: Taking Action. “Heidi, can you take me through a typical day for you?” I…
The Only Networking Article You Need to Read This Year
In ONE word: Relax. In TWO words: Be prepared. In THREE words: Ask better questions. It FOUR words: Any time, any place. In FIVE words: Incorporate passion into the conversation. In SIX words: Develop and maintain mutually valuable relationships. In SEVEN words: Articulate what you do quickly and memorably. In EIGHT words: Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. In NINE words: Encourage people to approach you by…
Hooray! It’s 2009…
Ahhhhh…! That’s the sound of a refreshing start to a new year. Took a week off to relax so I could accomplish NOTHING. I feel great. Hope you do too. Still, it’s great to be back .Just wanted to list a few announcements for some cool upcoming stuff: 1. Podcast. I did a fun, informative interview about creativity with Jim Kukral from Blend This Book. Jim’s a totally cool,…
19 Unarguable Reasons to Make Writing Part of Your Life
Writing might be the single most important act anyone could practice. For your business, for your brain, for your heart, for your soul, for your body and for your life. Writing is everything. Now, I may be a little biased, as my occupation is a writer. But that shouldn’t matter. Everyone should write. Everyone CAN write. Everyone must write. Even if you’re not that good. Even if you never…
17 Tools to Help You Survive in 2009
“A true Ninja uses his surroundings to survive.” That’s basic Ninja code. MY QUESTION IS: What are you using to help your business survive? What are you using to help your creativity survive? And what are you using to help your SELF survive? I’m a Leverager. I like to use things. I like to kill two stones with one bird whenever possible. Today, I want to share a list…
Does your marketing move people’s eyebrows?
On May 14th, 1998, Seinfeld went off the air. I remember exactly where I was when it happened – over at my friend Drew’s house, glued to the screen, near teary-eyed when the final credits started rolling. It was a sad day in TV history. In my opinion, all flags should have flown at half-mast that week. But Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer didn’t mind. Because Seinfeld wasn’t going…